Maybe I can offer arts/customs?? He is adorable 😭

Ty aaa :,0

Currently considering someone else's offer, but please feel free to offer anyway in case it falls through!! I love your style it looks rlly cool!!

Thank you!💗 I really like your designs!!

Tysm!! I really appreciate it :]

would you take 3 offbase customs, 1 flat fullbody, 2 flat icons and 1 chibi?

design examples

flat examples

chibi examples

and i can definitely change or increase the offer if you'd like!! :3

Highhhlllly considering (your stuff is so cool wtf :0)  

I'm very tentative on this guy, could you possibly increase? Not by a lot though- Your offers rlly good actually lol

oh yes i can totally increase!! :3 how about 1 extra custom, 1 extra fullbody, 2 extra headshots and 2 extra chibis?

(so in total that's 4 offbase customs, 2 flat fullbodies, 4 flat icons and 3 chibis)

again, just let me know if i should change the offer :]

Totally accepting! :3 I'm gonna dm you the details in a few minutes! Also before I do, are you able to do cbc's/anthro designs based off of like, fandom characters for the customs? I'll include moodboards and all ofc. If not that's totally fine! I'll just give you some general moodboards :]

SWEET tysmmm!!! and yeah i can definitely do CBCs, i do those frequently! not a problem at all :3 👍