Diosa da Silva Vázquez



4 months, 9 days ago

Basic Info


Diosa da Silva Vázquez

Age (at prime):









Diosa da Silva Vázquez is the bassist and guitarist of Rigormortis. She was born in 1979 in Midtown, Manhattan in a Haitian/Cuban household. Since she was a kid, she never was fond of being around a lot of people (even if it were family gatherings and such) and this molded into how she is now; doesn't like to be around crowds and limits herself to a few close friends, which are Hellen and Edin (the rest of Kieveit, notably Typhus is a whole other story that I will not mention). Even if she wanted to allow more people into her circle, she simply just can't because of unfamiliarity and sometimes has a hard time opening up to people. Diosa can be hotheaded at times, even when her and Edin would argue about things music-wise, bad habits, you name it, even over the stupidest shit. But over time they've both made adjustment with themselves, made up, and looked past those moments.

She finds interest in a bit of dungeon synth, death metal (which is one of the things that made Edin and her friends), fashion (she loves dressing monochromatically), and on her spare time she likes to hike out in the wilderness and do birdwatching and tries to find wild animals out there (she's very much an animal person!!)

How her and Edin went on to forming Rigormortis was surely something. Since Edin seeked the thrill of forming his own band ( in this country he only ever joined in those bands, he never formed one himself before) and he was in search of those who play bass and guitars. He would send emails and flyers, but for the first couple of month with no avail. And as those months almost reached a year (so about 9 month perhaps) by a miracle, Diosa had reached out and offered to play with him in what is now Rigormortis.


- Diosa really hates Typhus, simply because of the interests he favors and he's a gross weirdo (which honestly I don't blame her lol).

- At the age of 20, with all the money she saved up, she moved up all the way to upstate New York because she couldn't stand living in the city. She lives in a low populated town and lives in a cabin in the woods.


Slender but also fit shape, with long dreads down to mid-thigh length, embellished in hair ornaments and beads and has as hazel eyes. She has facial piercings (vertical labret and a septum to be exact), and has scars on both of her hands from an attack she endured after a night out at a bar.