Basic Info


Lightspeed Flight




Android Pegasus Pony


High-speed flight, racing, various internet business (she can download herself into the internet and do things from within. Like wifi astral projection.) great at parties though


Her non-grey/blue/teal parts light up when she’s on, and are brighter in the dark. These parts can also change to be any color, as long as the shades are mostly the same- she has a rainbow mode she busts out for parties and showing off. Her “tail” is more of a holographic speed trail- it’s only really visible when she’s moving or flying, especially at high speeds. They’re designed to be highly efficient and aerodynamic, and sleek with all the latest tech. Its eyes are camera lenses. Her voice is usually a generic computerized female voice (think like Siri) but it can be changed and modulated. Friends with Spectrum Skyway- they like to race each other, even though Lightspeed always wins by a landslide due to speed restrictions on Spectrum’s design for safety. They both still have fun anyways.


Based on Tron: Lightcycle Run in Tomorrowland in the Magic Kingdom