


5 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

old friend



thinking about old man....

  • is am werewolf
    • erratic transformations because he has a fucked up thyroid or whatever. probably a fucked up thyroid FROM being a long-term werewolf
    • transforming absolutely chews through his body fat/energy/metabolism/etc., has to carbo-load when he can/gets an 'aura' in order to. be able to fuckin Move and Live. very skinny and low-energy most of the time
    • scar is probably from a time early on when he had one of his first unexpected transformations and got fucked up somehow b/c he wasn't prepared. some caustic liquid or other that he uses for work falling on him and hi big dumb hyone head
    • most definitely has a secure room or something to retreat to when he feels a change coming on. keeps an emergency bag of chains and shit in the boot of his car
  • self employed artisan repairman, specialises in antique pottery restoration but is a fair hand at a lot of repair work generally
    • i'm sure his living space is basically dedicated to his work.... goes on walks when he wants a break from it
    • probably a lot of his clients are like. people older than him, who can't afford much, or younger people wanting to have their elders' heirlooms restored, who he doesn't have the heart to charge much from..... scrapin' by
  • keeps aquariums as a hobby
    • not particularly fussy about them, he just thinks they're neat and is fond of fish generally....
    • yes he is the Old Aquarium Guy that i never did anything with lmao... i doubt he ever went scuba diving or anything like before but im sure i can think of a way he interacted with Other Planely Things. maybe he's got something he can't figure out how to restore thats from another plane....
  • lomely...... probably hangs out with mes from time to time, catching up at a bar or whatever. old friends since their teens, mes was likely the tearaway wild childr to his own reserved personality