


4 months, 16 days ago


Name: Polaris

Theme: The Guiding Star

Category: Shape

Type: Astral

Number of Tails: 9

Badges: 4

Current job / role: stargazer/ amateur astronomer

Deity role:

Background: polaris grew up in the cold reaches of the north, wherein he and his family would watch and map out the movements of stars. as he grew, polaris was taught in the fields of astronomy and astrology, though he favored the more scientific approach to the cosmos. polaris grew up with wondering how things worked, and would sometimes shapeshift himself into the form of a human,to try and see how humans did things.  

polaris' family were on good terms with the people who lived near their home, and would often use their skills in astrology to try and help with hunts and such. as polaris grew, he found himself fascinated by the trivial lives of the humans, and spent more and more time watching and learning about what they do.

Before the dream: one day, a group of strange humans came to the village. they were scientists, and they brought many new and wonderful things for Polaris to look at and ponder over. despite the warnings from his family, he shifted into the form of a small silent human, and stayed with the scientists as they took ice samples, looked at the stars from binoculars and did other strange things tha the kitsune could barely understand.

then, tragedy struck one day. a large polar bear had found the camp of scientists, and was attacking them. polaris had no choice but to assume his natural kitsune form to defeat the bear. once he did, he ran, not wanting to see the faces of the scientists he had grown to love.

he reached his family home and said his goodbyes, knowing that the scientists would be looking form him, before leaving the cold north behind. as he traveled, he came across a glowing portal. taking a deep breath, he jumped in.

During the Dream: during the dream, polaris remembered the times he spent, watching the stars in the sky. he remembered making constellations and wondering about the many planets in the sky. he remembered seeing a particularly bright star, which was revealed to be the north star, polaris. 

After the Dream: polaris awoke with a brand new dark coat, and shiny wings. he marveled at his three tails and the glowing algae on his sides, glittering like the stars he loved so much. he also noticed a star resting between his long curved horns, shining a bright light that seemed to guide him to a castle in the distance. with a nod, polaris started for the castle, hoping to find out what had happened to him.


polaris' magic is most potent at night. using his astral powers, polaris can create a small star, or summon a small star that guides lost people or creatures to their destination. the star can vary in size and colour, but only appears and stays around until the person/creature is helped to their destination, at which point it disappears. it can also help when someone is lost metaphorically, by giving advice or encouragement in the voices of loved ones.

INHERENT MAGIC: Levitation. polaris uses his levitation sometimes to reach high points in his room. it can also happen when he's concentrating on something XD


polaris' aura is a sparkly mist that flows around his body, with miniature stars shining inside. he will often make the lights inside his aura change colours to reflect the different planets and other spatial beauties he has observed.


Dipper is polaris' pet comet tail. a cute little guy, dipper mainly communicates with chirps and other very cute lizard noises. he moves by floating around on his tiny meteorite that floats with astral magic, and also serves as his very convenient hiding place should things get tough.

  • Traits:
    regular build
  • Astral floating object (floating star between horns)
  • long ear hair
  • red fox ears
  • LEGENDARY: glowing algae on each side of body
    RARE: starry eyes (seen best here:sta.sh/0cut638y6n8)


Event log:


  • potatoes wedding: www.deviantart.com/pyrogoldenw… (September 10th 2020)
  • easter 2021: www.deviantart.com/pyrogoldenw… (april 5th 2021)
  • Design description: IN ID CARD (25th may 2021)
  • Track of journey: IN ID CARD (25th may 2021)
  • Aura: IN ID CARD (written march 23rd 2021)


  • Foxley- acquaintance/secret crush? (www.deviantart.com/fluffyfoxxo…): polaris met foxley one fateful night whilst getting ready for his nightly stargazing. since that point, he has made it his mission to meet with her every night in order to show her more of his findings. he loves that she has an interest in the stars, (and he secretly has a bit of a crush on her too)
  • tenchi- space friends (www.deviantart.com/galaxicalph…): Polaris enjoys tench's company, and is currently compiling research on the myth of genesis frogs. he's fascinated by the connection of frogs and space. he also enjoys teaching Tenchi about some of the more lovely sights in the night skies.
  • haokah- good friend (www.deviantart.com/galaxicalph…): haokah is a great friend to talk about things with. Polaris enjoys his company, and often tries to research the best nights for interesting star shows.
  • Amanaki- fellow blue star boyo (www.deviantart.com/galaxicalph…): blue starry boys must stick together, and its something polaris finds interesting. He enjoys spending time with amanaki, when he's not off sorting out mamoru that is. Dorito has even gone as far as to group him, amanaki and custos together as a sort of "blue star boi club"
  • Eos- fellow north friend (www.deviantart.com/javira-butt…): polaris is finally glad to find another Kitsunegami who lived in the cold reaches of the north. even if they did not meet before the dream, polaris still enjoys spending time with Eos and talking about the past world. he often feels nostalgia as the two swap stories.
  • shaulesath- lots of respect, and admiration (www.deviantart.com/galaxicalph…): scorpio is one of polaris' favourite signs, along with his own star sign, being gemini. he is extremely excitable around the zodiac warriors, and loves to collect as much information as he can, without being weird of course. he wishes he could get a paw print from each of the warriors one day...
  • anput- High respect (www.deviantart.com/starlight-s…): Polaris has a high amount of respect and reverence for the entire group of zodiac warriors, but he has a slightly higher level of respect for Anput. mainly because her theme is also his mother's star sign (libra)
  • Andeucelian- high respect (www.deviantart.com/starlight-s…): like the other zodiac warriors, polaris treats andeucelian with a healthy dose of respect and almost treats them all like celebrities. He is fascinated by their shenanigans, and hopes to learn as much as possible. He also wishes to one day have a drink with andeucelian, but is a little worried about how much he would drink... 


Polaris' sanctuary is a starry field, with a large observatory in the middle. people and creatures who happen upon this magical place can learn about the stars and heavens above, and even try to find their horoscope. there's plenty of science equipment for the budding scientist to do experiments as well. if you're lucky, polaris may be there, and he will give you a hand with anything you're stuck on. he may even show you his book of notes he compiled before the dream.

Human form:

polaris' human form is one that has yet to be seen by more than a select few. he takes on a sort of scientist persona, which those who have seen this form almost all agree is a very different angle to what he usually takes. as a human, polaris is more excitable, and especially enjoys showing off his starry cloak to others.

Doodled by the ever awesome Azurelly: www.deviantart.com/azurelly/ar…

General facts:

  • polaris loves star gazing so much, he made his room into his office of sorts. he's even plastered the whole ceiling with his doodles of constellations and walls with star maps.
  • he usually sleeps in late, due to his job taking up most of the night. when awakened though, he acts like a zombie (though a little more sentient XD)
  • polaris likes to keep to himself most of the time, but will dedicate some of his time talking to others. he especially likes giving other kitsunegamis facts on the stars in the sky.
  • his favorite pastime is to write in his notebook, and try to sort through all his notes.
  • unfortunately, being a stargazer and busy means that polaris' room is a total mess. he's actually a little embaressed by this. 
  • he is super excited by the zodiac warriors existing. its like a dream turned reality for him.

polaris was originally designed by the lovely GalaxicalPhoenix. the original design can be found here: www.deviantart.com/galaxicalph…

Kitsunegamis are open species by ZauriArt