


4 months, 26 days ago


General Info

Name: Murumaru Drakofied

Nickname: Murmu

Gender: Male

Race: Manphai Dragon

Age: 120

Country: Yuhna

Physical data

Height: 1'10 m

Weight: 29 kg


Temperament: Introverted and very resentful.

Moral/ethical beliefs: Murumaru can kill someone if "Nest Home" or "The Creator" is in danger.

Hobbies: Cleaning, flying around and reading old books.

Habits: His paw is always brushing against things he considers that are dirty, he brushes his horns against the walls or doors as the vibrations are very pleasant for him.

Quirks/eccentricities: He lacks expresivity and is easily misunderstood, munches his tongue when nervous.

Likes: Clean environments, flowery smells, solving puzzles.

Dislikes: Hostile environments, dirty places, wild nature and loud people.

Fears: No fear known.

Strengths: He's very intelligent and avid, meticulous and keen eyed.

Weaknesses: Loses patience easily, becomes aggressive with anyone for the slightest mistake, he's a bit too perfectionist.

Skills: Cleans things very quickly and knows how to take care of people who really need it. He can be a notable butler.


Always has:

  • A broom to clean the floor.
  • A hair pin to fix "The Master's" hair.
  • Cookies, to have a snack while cleaning.

  • At home, he has:
  • Cleaning equipment
  • A lot of jewelry.
  • Many fancy outfits to go out for important events.