
4 months, 10 days ago


named after dave grohl because nirvana brainrot is real

dave is actually female so uh use she/her and preferably draw her androgynous rather than feminine yass

blame hoax for that he just assumed she was male or something because he doesn't care 💅

no one really knows how dave became a red sentinel but she was the leader of a small group of fellow robot chickens, eventually being overthrown by her packmates for being a bitch lmao

she was a lone wolf for a while until she spotted Hoax simply.. walking around. she just started following him until he paid attention to her, eventually acknowledging but leaving her behind as he didn't exactly want the responsibility of caring for a creature originally purposed to kill him. the two occassionally see eachother in passing as dave roams endlessly searching for Hoax

despite looking menacing she's very similar to sysil, like if you told me they share one braincell between the two of them i'd absolutely believe you

ill add a html thingy soon i just wanna throw her here so i dont forget 💀