


4 months, 1 day ago


We'll never get free
Lamb to the slaughter
What you gon' do when there's blood in the water?
The price of your greed is your son and your daughter
What you gon' do when there's blood in the water?

Bristleback is a typical Monadh cat in most regards; large, thick-set and imposing with huge paws to match his formidable figure. His thick, medium-length pelt is predominantly a pale umber color and oddly rough in texture, with an almost hard, wiry feel to it, especially along the back which is ticked with black, and the fur darkens into a gradient of ash brown and soot-colored points along his face, ears, paws and tail-tip. His underbite is possibly Bristleback’s most notable feature, lower canines ascending from his bottom jaw and curving against his muzzle. His chest, belly and wisps of inner ear fur are near white and his eyes are a very light green that contrasts sharply against his darker face.

[+] Outspoken, Courageous, Principled
[=] Dogged, Fervent, Straightforward
[–] Brutal, Cynical, Resentful

Bristleback’s name is painfully accurate. Known for a tetchy and abrasive nature, the young tom tends to leave any encounter with more enemies than allies. His demeanor is ice-cold and fire-hot all in one, with a sharp tongue and even sharper claws. One might even claim Bristleback has been a spiteful, pessimistic burr in the pelt since he entered the world. It’s a well known fact he has a short fuse and can rarely take what he dishes out, a sardonic remark returned often leading to digs at one’s expense getting nastier at best and explosive at worst. We call this unresolved anger issues and projection, but don’t try that line with him.

He might not be the easiest cat to get along with, but not everything regarding Bristleback is negative. Prone to holding grudges and absolutely *brutal* when it comes to character assassination of any cat he dislikes, it’s clear beneath all that boiling fury Bristleback does care about the well-being of others, especially the young and vulnerable. Despite his rough personality, he's become an outspoken noble who frequently speaks up for those that he feels can't stand up for themselves. Bristleback believes in protecting the weak whenever he can. It’s the least he can do at this point.

Never one to beat around the bush, you can always trust Bristleback to be honest about his opinions and feelings. Direct, to-the-point, blunt and sometimes crude; it doesn’t always foster any fondness among those subject to hearing these opinions, but at the least it’s very unlikely he’ll ever lie to you. He is passionate and driven despite life constantly kicking him while he’s down, ambitious enough to complete anything he sets his mind to despite any roadblocks he might face, powering through on pure adrenaline and sheer willpower.

Bristleback views his greatest failure to be not protecting his younger siblings from his parents. Since their disappearance, he’s lost all trust in his clan and kin. If his own mother could do something so horrible as abandoning helpless kittens, what are the rest of them capable of? As a result, he has few friends and fewer confidants.