


4 months, 17 days ago


VortexClan is one of the four Clans in the story Prevailing Storms.

General Information:

Habitat: Coastal

Bordering Clans: EclipseClan, DriftClan, OasisClan

Founder: Vortexstar

Current Leader: Mulberrystar


VortexClan makes their home on the coast of the land that the four clans found after having to leave their old homes because of a message sent by StarClan. They have what is considered the largest territory but they only make use of a small portion of the beach. They do not run into Twolegs as their home is too difficult to reach.


VortexClan deals with a wide range of animals from the coast and the sea. They will eat any sea bird they can catch, along with octopus, crabs, turtles if they are daring enough, and numerous amounts of fish. They also deal with a range of potential predators which do include octopus, sharks and even crocodiles if they stray too far into the ocean. Sea Eagles and other birds of prey are also a big threat to their lives. 

Unique Skills:

  • Swimming
  • Fishing

Culture / Traditions:

VortexClan has some unique traditions and culture that separates them from the other Clans.

They gather seashells and even fish scales from the beach. While they don't wear many accessories, they will wear some items to gatherings which can also be made from seaweed, feathers, pebbles and many other things found around the beach.

They are still very close to their ancestors and live within the caves that they paint with luminescent algae to give off light and to create drawings.

Families live together in their little caves with mothers and kits being much higher up as no dens actually reside on the sand itself. Kits are taught how to swim at a very young age in the tide pools near their camp which are shallow enough to be safe but deep enough that kits can't touch the bottom. Apprentices will spend the first moon of their apprenticeship learning the beach layout and then the second month will be spent learning the part of their territory that is connected to the other Clans, and most apprentices will only go to a gathering once they have been apprentices for 3 moons.

New warriors will travel to one of the sand bars and perch on the shipwreck that lays beyond and watch out over the ocean. This isn't always done when they are made warriors but whenever the tide will be accepting of their travels to the sandbar. However, the leader may choose to hold off on a naming ceremony if they know that the tide won't be in their favor which they see as StarClan not accepting them as a warrior just yet.

They keep a close eye out for storms as they know how dangerous they can be. Kits born during or right before a storm may often be seen as a bad omen.


  • Leader
  • Deputy
  • Healer
  • Mediator
  • Warriors
  • Apprentices
  • Elders
  • Kits

Current Members:

Leader: Mulberrystar (Female. 126 moons old. Charismatic. Keen Eye) Lives: 9

Deputy: Grousestorm (Female. 44 moons old. Strict. Good Speaker & Good Teacher)


              Softivy (Male. 110 moons old. Strict. Excellent Teacher & Incredible Runner) - Currently has a snake bite

              Cricketclaw (Trans Female. 71 moons old. Faithful. Helpful Insight & Natural Intuition)

Mediator: N/A


              Hemlockstripe (Female. 121 moons old. Bloodthirsty. Great Speaker)

              Sagespots (Female. 98 moons old. Shameless. Impressive Climber)

              Flipstripe (Female. 79 moons old. Cold. Very Clever)

              Irisswipe (Female. 74 moons old. Troublesome. Great Mediator)

              Frostlarch (Male. 23 moons old. Confident. Good Hunter)

              Tangledew (Female. 23 moons old. Loyal. Good Climber)

              Heartbillow (Female. 23 moons old. Charismatic. Fast Runner)

              Heatherhawk (Female. 12 moons old. Ambitious. Excellent Teacher) - Born without a tail / Currently has a cat bite

Apprentices: N/A

Elders: N/A

Queens / Kings: N/A

Kits: N/A