


4 months, 20 days ago



Name: Cookie

Theme: The joy of celebration

Category: Emotional

Type: Sentimental (joy/happiness)

Number of Tails: 9

Badges: 4

Current job / role: party planner extraordinaire


Personality: more shy than his brother, but still quite hyper, joyful, loves hugs and birthdays especially!

Background: Cookie lived with gingersnap and the village for a while, until he grew bored of the same old life and began to travel the world. 

he explored different lives and environments, but became fascinated by the lives of humans. disguising himself as a common rock dove, he came to watch the lives of humans in a land far away from his Japanese roots. he watched as human families celebrated many things, and he soon got homesick. 

so he made his way home to see the village he once knew was cursed. asking the people what happened only yielded gibberish and pointing at a broken statue.

cookie was heartbroken. he worried for his brother, and set out to look for him. along the way, he found a trail of crumbs leading to a portal. hesitant, he stepped into the portal.

During the Dream:

Cookie remembered the different celebrations humans had, and remembered his favourite one. there was lots of candles and streamers, and presents too! he remembered it had been called a "birthday" and it was full of joy and happiness.

After the Dream: 

cookie awoke to see a small brown Kitsunegami looking at him with confusion and curiosity. he did not recognise his brother gingersnap at first, until he spoke. reunited, the two made their way to the Kitsunegami base, cookie elated to be with the one he loved the most.


Body build: regular/flowy

size is a little bigger than gingersnap's regular size

puffy cheek fluff (think cotton plant)

fallen style ear fluff 

very small baby goat horns. (look like jelly, colour wise)

large feathery wings

Rare Folklorical's attached objects trait- birthday candles on shoulder

Legendary pre tail (streamer) 

-Accessories: pink party hat (always wears on head), cake pendant




  • gingersnap (…)- brothers. ginger and cookie were brothers in the previous realm. cookie has regrets at not being there for his little brother when he needed him the most, but he has since learned to look forward more than before. he's trying to be the greatest brother he can.
  • tempora (…) - complicated. tempora never meddled with his timeline, unlike gingersnap's. but he knows what happened, and why tempora became so saddened by the sight of his brother. he wants to help tempora, but doesn't want to hurt gingersnap.
  • Leota- (…) lovers. since the date at the firefly falls, Leota and cookie have become somewhat of a couple. cookie loves being around Leota



Cookie's inherent magic is empathy area!
cookie will use his magic to bring a higher sense of joy to the occasion. he reserves this kind of magic for when its time for a party, and will release it in a large burst. it manifests as a sort of confetti that disappears after a few moments. no amount of sadness or negative emotion can truly dampen the magic, as even the most gloomy of kitsunegamis or creatures will find themselves smiling.



cookie's sanctuary is a giant party and celebration shop. anyone who comes to the sanctuary will find a whole host of items that they can borrow for a price. this is usually some sort of offering, or maybe a few coins. strange beings inhabit the sanctuary, and can often help confused visitors to find what they need.
if someone visits on their birthday, the sanctuary will be filled with cake, presents and other birthday things. cookie himself will also appear, wishing the birthday person/visitor many happy returns and will gift them a small present containing a blessing of some kind.…

General facts:

  • he likes to decorate his tail with streamers and poppers, to make it more festive. 
  • he's more hyper/ like gingersnap when it's someones birthday
  • he's bigger than gingersnap, but not much bigger. 
  • one of his favourite foods is actually cake, followed by ice cream and/or jelly. non human food likes include nuts, berries and rhubarb. he also seems to like lettuce, for some reason.
  • his absolute favourite food however is a big bowl of rice, with some teriyaki meatballs.
  • cookie is rather embarrassed of his tiny horns, and will make any attempt to keep them hidden away.

Human form:

Kitsunegamis are open species by ZauriArt