the diddler©™



4 months, 4 days ago


created in my writing class. 

The Diddler©™  was born in Ohio, but lives in Wyoming, causing minor inconveniences for others around him. He looks sort of like the Bowler Hat Guy from Meet the Robinsons body shape-wise, but he has long dark hair and wears dark clothes. Despite only being 20 years old, he looks at least 50 because of his troublesome backstory, his hands gnarled and face wrinkled. He has been committing small “crimes” since he was 7 after he was forced to wait 13 hours in line at the DMV like in Zootopia. After this traumatizing event, he decided to waste others' time to “get back at the system” which caused him to become as sick and twisted as he is. As his “crimes” failed to make as much of an impact as he had hoped, he began swindling old people over the phone by making them buy him gift cards.