


4 months, 8 days ago


☆ Name(s): Neptune / Aerín
☆ Pronouns: They/Xe!
☆ Gender / Sexuality: Enby, and undefined sexuality.
☆ Species: An uncreative but original alien species that is yet to be named
☆ World: Undefined_Edges / My space world
☆ Colour palette: Magenta purple & Light yellow

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☆ A skilled mechanic, who mainly works on starship engine repairs.

☆ Nebula has (some alien equivalent of) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome! Xe struggles a lot with dislocated joints, most often in their ankles and hips. They wear ankle braces day-to-day, and specialised shoes for better support. 

☆ Xe has crutches, which they use about half the time but can usually walk without, though not without some level of pain. (I'm sorry the crutches aren't in the reference- Was drawn before I had wrote their story, from a dice roll oc maker!)

☆ Their home city is a lower class and largely run down area, a busy and largely unpoliced city built into the walls of a canon with the space equivalent of a petrol station and mechanic's at the end of it. It's not big enough to be considered a space port.

☆ Later in their story, Aerís runs into a young criminal and smuggler who stopped for repairs to a damaged engine. Aerín's knowledge was fine tuned enough to recognise their engines were modified- And since they weren't recorded, illegally so. Xe holds onto that, and ends up making a deal with the other- Saturn-, for them to take Aerín to a planet in the next star station over in exchange for xem repairing the engine and keeping Saturn's secret. She begrudgingly agrees, and Neptune packs a bag and leaves that night.