Sammy Emily



4 months, 16 days ago



feels like we buried alive someone who didn't die.

name sammy emily
gender cis male
pronouns he/him
orientation questioning
age 15
birthday may 5th, 1970
ethnicity white
measurements 5'7" - 133lbs
family henry and charlie
role surviving twin
I don't know. Sometimes...
Sometimes I feel like it should have been me.
Are you even listening?
extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
polite sassy
deceptive sincere
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
lone wolf team player
mbti esfj
alignment neutral good
leading trait brotherly
biggest flaw melancholic

Design notes

  • Sammy has hair that goes down to his nape with middle parted bangs, similarly to his father. He has aviators like him, too.
  • He's typically drawn in a loose turtleneck, corduroy pants, sneakers, and an oversized bomber jacket. The jacket was once Henry's from high school.
  • Sammy has freckles on his cheeks, as well as a mole under his right eye. Him and Charlie had moles on opposite cheeks.

i never liked that puppet thing, it was always... thinking.


Sammy Emily was an unassuming and naive little boy.

As his sister's twin, he some how managed to grow in the opposite direction from her, splitting at the root. Where she was too soft for the world, Sammy excelled at making connections, and was well-liked as a young boy. Popular would be too strong of a word for it — he was kind, and he stayed in his own way, and it was enough for chidlren to like him.

However, as their father was far more occupied accompanying Charlie and her easy-bruising, Sammy was often left to his own devices as a kid. It became worse when their mother passed; from that point on, he felt like second fiddle to his own twin and from his own father. It is hard to juggle twins as a single father, but Sammy couldn't help but feel ignored. Even if he knew Henry was trying, even if he knew Charlie needed the extra help.

At the very least, Sammy had his close friend, Michael. While they didn't get along at first, they quickly found they had more in common than they thought.


And though Sammy grew to carry an unknowing jealousy of Charlie, he never wanted anything bad to happen to her. Never — even if he hadn't defended her when he should've, or watched her back where she may have been too trusting to, Sammy never had anger behind it.

Yet Charlie goes missing, but eventually the case goes cold and his father is never the same. All Sammy is given the chance to do is watch as his father slips further and neglects the hand he tries reaching out toward him.

He doesn't know how to save his father, and he doesn't know how to save his sister, but Sammy Emily knows one thing: it feels like he was buried in her empty grave.


Time passes, but Sammy realizes that the tragedy never does. He tries to take small steps around it, but every thing is only greeted with another reminder of the sister that should be right besides him. It's the pain he doesn't give into, but his father does — it becomes more real when he moves into the guest room to let his father turn their shared room into Charlie's alone. The door stays locked, full of her toys and drawings and clothing, and he never finds the will to step back in.

The only comfort that doesn't crumble between his fingertips is Michael, who lets Sammy forget about his tragedy for a little bit. Of course it always comes back, and of course it'd be warmer in the hands of a father, but he's open to any distraction with ears to listen.

And after the cycle of misfortunte befalls Michael Afton once more, Sammy is strong enough to try to keep him afloat and take the stumbling in the process.


Sammy would never ask Michael to find another place to stay — that'd be cruel and selfish. He likes Michael, and he loves his father, but sometimes...

Sometimes it's really hard to see Michael grow into the son that Henry needs when his real one is standing just behind him. Sammy needs a father just as much as Michael does, but dividing his attention always seems to be too...

Difficult? Unfortunate. Henry loves Sammy with all that he knows, but showing it is so hard when he has the face Charlie should, too. He stands as a reminder of every failure he's made.

Maybe it would be easier if...

hometown hurricane, ut
enneagram 2w1
zodiac taurus

trope extreme doormat
d.e. skill volition
animal tuxedo cat

voice claim tbd
playlist ♪♫♪

fave food shepherd's pie
fave drink ginger ale

various trivia

  • sammy knows some ASL as he used it to communicate with charlie due to her childhood selective mutism. he's lost some of it, though.
  • he has an irrational fear of leaving doors locked behind him stemming from his sister's death.
  • while it's fairly repressed, sammy has a pretty hair-trigger temper. it's easy to frustrate and annoy him, but it's squared away under lock and key.
  • sammy's favorite song is runaway by bon jovi.
  • while he likes arcades games, sammy prefers console gaming. he has an atari and an NES.
  • canis major
  • drive-in theaters
  • road trips
  • science fiction
  • locked doors
  • chalky textures
  • chipped wood
  • ghost stories
  • stargazing
  • photography
  • bike riding
  • video games
