Verlassener Ozean



5 years, 10 months ago


Verlassener Ozean



Forsaken Ocean





Old name:

Schoner Ozean

Lovely Ocean





Average lifespan:
30 years-???




About the size of a small house cat

Father: Noordeeze "Deeze", Male, 33 years, (Dead)

Mother: Frisian, Female, 27 years, (Dead)

Best-est best friend: Onapi

Best friend: Caroline and Dagger

Friends: None

Pizza, fish (sardines mostly), music, Onapi (her best friend), swimming, staring at Onapi's fish tank, Swimming with Onapi, and sitting on Onapi's back porch and watching the sunsets,....

Most every human but Onapi, cars, blue cheese, industrial things like cities and big cargo boats, 

Fun facts:

* Verla can breath under water indefinably and can also breath air and live on shore without need for any sort of water to swim in.

* Verla can speak English and communicate threw her native language of clicks and chirping noises.

Only her rear and tail are covered in scales the rest of her is covered in soft fur which seals in her heat when in the water much like ducks feather of a seals blubber.

* Her markings glow when she is in complete darkness.


Verla is kinda reserved with others aside from her close friends. She at first can seem to be slightly rude being sarcastic and fairly carefree with her "poking fun" type comments. However given a little bit of effort and time she is found to be a truly soft and kind cat whom just loves to be around others and a go scratch on her scaly tail or a race up the nearest river She is very skilled in her swimming and hunting in the water and will sometimes boast about a stellar catch if given opportunity.


The beginning

Verla's parents grew up in deep oceans off the coast of Germany which is how little Verla had gotten her original name Schoner Ozean meaning Lovely ocean. Her parents soon realized as it grew tough for her mother to swim and fish in the channel off the coast of Germany that they needed a new home in shallow water a safe place for the first born to be birthed. They swam endlessly around the area and ended up out in the open ocean, fear gripped them both until one night they stopped to take a rest int he small soft sand shore of an island. When they awoke the next morning they realized they had found the place they had been searching for and the timing couldn't have been better as they scoped out the islands in the area of what is the Mu Ko Ang Thong Islands they found a small cave system under on of the many shear cliff faces at the edge of an island. They both settle inside as the sun starts to set, but as the sun sets it just so happens to be when the little fishcat to be named Schoner Ozean is born.

Childhood to current life

Verla was a very energetic and adventurous pup when she was little. Being only about the size of a munchkin kitten the first year and a half of her life she was able to get into every where and did everything she could to do so. She always had her parents chasing after her and as she got older at about two years old she started growing a bit more and a few others showed up more fishcats! By the time she was about three years old there was a colony in the maze of caves and reefs in the islands of about 30. Verla loved to run with the other younger fishcats on the small beaches and race with them around the islands and catch fish to eat. She in particular loved to get together with her father and skirt the bottom of the sea bed for small octopus which is very dangerous given their strength and maneuverability. However little Verla and her father Noordeeze "Deeze" had got a strategy down pat. This was of course something she and her father did not tell her mother about seeing as how upset she would be not about catching the octopus but the method they used which required Verla being bait to lure out the octopus. Verla also loved to race her mother Frisan along the rocky cliff faces and reef to see who could collect the most sea urchins and crabs. When she was about 4 four years old her birth celebration with the whole colony was cut short when a massive storm developed near by and forced everyone deep within the cave system under the islands. When everyone woke the next day huddled together a black slime coated the bottom of the cave and everyone's pelts. Curiosity quickly became most of the fishcats as they woke and licked the goo off their pelts and gagged choking the others more wary backed away and swam to the surface only to breath it in threw the thick black water above threw their gills. Soon panic spreads and Verla fled choking on the very water she breathed desperately trying to paddle enough to keep most of her gills out of the water so it could not seep in anymore while she desperately cried out for her parents, but she was only drowned out by the dying cries of the other fishcats around her as she swam around the islands until she heard her father calling out to her. She swam strait to him and saw her mother dead floating in a very thick pool of the strange liquid and her father coated in it his eyes extremely dull as he could hardly breath she tried to swim over to her mother but her father only grasped her by the back of her neck and swam as hard as he could to get Verla out of the island chain and into the currant to take her away from the islands. As he swam his paces became slower and slower and the cries of pain from the others stopped, "Go and rest far from here let the currant car..carry I can't go farther my precious child i love you and so does your mother but i must join her and the others now i..i..i can't hold on swim my darling swim and don't look back..." her father whispered to her as he let her go and the currant swirled under her trying to pull her down and away from the islands she called home her entire life and everyone she ever knew. She paddled with her slipping strength as she watched her fathers light leave his eyes and his body go limb and float on the surface of the water. She let out a wail as she turned and swam away her salty tears mingling with the water around her as she looked back at her home one last time she saw a extremely large ship sticking out of the water with some sort of moving orange and red colors coming out of it with little pale hairless creatures standing on the island next to the ship, but it didn't make sense to her her parents told her that those pale hairless creatures never bothered them back in there old home and that sometimes they floated on metal things called ships but they said they never hurt them just took fish. So why would they do this to her home, her family, her life! she was outraged as she cried her tears burned hot as she dove under the clear water and sunk to the bottom letting the current take her and innocence with it as she drifted off to sleep wishing for it all to just be a dream in the end. Three years down the currant little Verla has claimed her name to as it is today, Verlassener Ozean to express her loss and to remember it. Verla is seven now she cares very little about herself she simple lives to exist for her parents she still hunts octopus like she used to with her father just to feel the thrill and relive a good memory. She drifts in the open ocean most the of the time completely avoiding the hairless two legged creatures at all costs aside from the one time she got stuck in a net and pulled onto one of the boats where she proceed to tears ones strange ear off and dive back into the sea. She didn't surface again for another month only to get clipped by a small fishing vessel and find more where now in the area. She sighed internally and dove under again to swim back out into slightly deeper waters for a while longer wondering if she should bother settling down in a reef to rest for a long while but shook the idea when she remembered her family. She stayed close to the deep areas off the coast of California where there were plenty of easy fish and fewer boats. she spent her days chasing little fish and sleeping low on the sandy ocean bed at night. After about two months of the same old routine Vera was out to catch another small fish again when the sky began to darken and the waves got rougher and started throwing her about even under the surface she soon couldn't manage to keep herself in the same place at all and as rain began to pour down from above and lightening cracked down onto the ocean surface she shook inside as the thunder boomed over head as she was tosses around in the waves like a rag doll kicking in the water with her paws and flapping her tail all to no avail. She was whipped back and forth as a massive hurricane made it way towards the coast of California. Verla didn't give up she fought the waves and remembered how her father once told her "One cannot simply fight the ocean it moves as it wishes and if it wishes to take you with it, it has a reason." She felt a pain crawl up into her chest and settle there as she stopped paddling and a few moments later was unknowing swept into the side of a stay boat that had ripped free of its anchor and knocked her unconscious. She woke up gasping on a beach with her mouth full of gritty sand and her fur matted to her body and a fresh found on her back leg and tail and a extreme pounding in her head. She tried to stand but it was a feeble attempt as she fell right back down to dizzy with pain to even see strait all she new is she was on land and that something was running towards her. She was terrified as it came to loom over her weak and injured body but she understood a few of the words from her time stalking a few boats when she had first recovered from the accident and wanted to find a way to get revenge but was unable to figure out how to make the boat go under the water. All she could understand was, " this..?" and the words "cat fish?" before it touched her carefully she lashed out with her claws as she lay on her side unable to see clearly still but it was getting better though the head pain still came in painful waves she heard a strange yet pleasing sound come from something white and black and blurry behind the hairless thing as it staggered back. The hairless creature came back to her again though and gently picked her up and wrapped her in it strange pelt it peeled from itself, she was repulsed and terrified but the strange scent and warmth was soothing as was the odd sounds that the black and white thing behind it made as it touched the ground as it ran towards a wooden structure up the beach.She simply sighed and whispered in her chirping language. "I may meet you soon mother and father just yet." she said as it carried her inside the structure and set her onto something soft and strange she drifted off to sleep as it ran away from her into a hold across from her. She woke up for a brief moment later to a beautiful song playing something about of reminded her of home probably the tone of the keys and the melody. For the moment she was awake she saw the creature clearly a thing that was mostly hairless aside from some long spiky black tufts on its head like a urchins shell, it poked and prodded at her with something sharp over and over again and she went to speak but as soon as it saw her awake it stuck another sharp thing in her neck and she fell asleep again and dreampt of drifting along the reef with her parents once more. Though when they started to swim away and she tried to paddle after she got nowhere and woke with a start to find herself in some kind of large clear container with water deep enough to swim around in but also a shallow spot with a warm light shining on it like a fake tiny sun.