


5 years, 9 months ago




female • she/her • lesbian

Vixey was the former leader of a disorganized group of loners. She was looked up to only because she founded it with her two brothers, Crow and Raccoon. As the group got bigger it got harder for her to control, and when her brothers left it fell apart. Even more cats began to leave, such as Jennie, Plum, Irene, Wendy, and Crane, until eventually the group completely disbanded. Vixey felt as if she had lost too much to continue the loner lifestyle and eventually let herself be adopted by a twoleg family. While Vixey was the leader she was remarkably fast, and could catch nearly anything because they could never outrun her. She was also selfish, and greedy, and she let that get to her head. This is part of why her brothers left. She's now seen as one of the scariest kittypets in the neighborhood due to her past and the stories she tells, and she's content where she is now, but every now and then she'll stay out a bit late to catch some prey and possibly get information on where her brothers are now.

design notes -- reference
• lorem ipsum
• lorem ipsum
• lorem ipsum

name -- relationship
name -- relationship

obtained : 1250 points
worth : $somewhere around $30-$40
status : nft