Dantae J. Romero



8 years, 5 months ago


Full Name: Dantae "Deazal" José Antonio-Enrique Romero

Nicknames: Deaz, Dz, Hot Shit (by Violet)

Age: 27

Birthday: 11/19

Gender, Species: Male, Human (Blue-Ring Octopus in the Splatooniverse)

Parents: Hassha (Mother), Jose-Antonio (Father)

Personality: INSP

Deazal is a very intimidating man, but once you get past his somewhat threatening appearence, you'll find that he is a geinuinely sweet and emotional person. After growing up with his parents who forced him into toxic views of masculinity and compliancy with how they saw the world, Deazal is a very open and honest person with himself. He isn't afraid to act or dress how he wants to and is able to be emotional with people he holds close. But, all that aside, he tends to be a very loyal person, holding the firiendships he has very close. He has anxiety and organizational OCD from the abusive enviornment he was raised in, as well as suvere depression, but he fights each day though the hardships of his mental illnesses and refuses to give into them. He has nearly given into his suicidal urges in the past, but now that he has friends like Tess and his partner Violet, he is able to fight off whatever thought he might have about ending his life. Despite his depression, he manages to be fun loving and carefree, not being afraid to take risks for the sake of fun. He does have his weaknesses though. He battles with an addiction to smoking and drugs (in most AUs) and its hard for him to overcome these vices by himself and with people who also commit the same sins, but he manages to be as responsible as you can be with that (aka, not overdoising).


+ Adventurous

+ Capable

+ Charming

+ Daring

+ Firm

+ Independant

+ Tidy


= Determined

= Proud

= Casual

= Ambitious


- Aloof

- Disobedient

- Firey

- Impatient

- Irresponsible

- Ignorant

- Blunt



Deazal is generally darker skinned with scars marring his form all over his body. Many of them are self harm scars but a few are unintentional, mainly from playing with knieves in his late teens. His hair is wavy and generally very soft. He keeps the sides of his head shaved and his hair in a flowing mohawk. He often shaves little patterns into the hair on the side of his head and the pattern just kinda changes depending on the kinda hairdo he gets. His eyes are a deep brown. He trims any body hair he has because the feeling of any hair on his bdoy generally makes him uncomfortable.

Eyes (iris, Pupil ,Sclera)

Depp brown, amber in sunlight






Like Soul from the english dub of Soul Eater

Speech patterns

Heavy use of slang, even around figures of authority and parents, lots of swearing

Blood type (and/or Color)

Red, O- blood type



Has serious anxiety issues from the way that his family raised him when he was younger. His anxiety is mainly when a room is dirty, or when things are out of place. He tends to make really strong bonds with people after knowing them for a while, he considers many of his friends to be close ones and is easily hurt when they decide to move on. Much of the time that he spent with his close friend, Tess, helped him to move on from the toxic mindset of his parents and to be more free with what he wears and how he acts around people.


He has many scars but generally is in good health. If he has a fresh wound however it can damage his abilites to perform certain tasks depending on where the wound is. He works out on a regular basis in addition to the construction work that he does for a living. He does his daily workout routine to avoid being sad or dispirited and will ask his friends to come with hiim so that he has soemone to talk to during said workouts.


Sexual Orientation

Panromantic Demisexual

Relationships (past/present/future):


Tess (past)

Jace (Past)

Violet (Married)

Non Romantic:

Ryder (Past Friend)

Tess (Best Friend)

Jace (Rival)

Rico (Friend & Step-Brother)

Grunge (Friend)

Crossbones (Friend) 

Raven (Friend)

Ryuhei (Aquaintence)

Tereya (Friend)


Fast food employee, Guitar instructor/tutor, Navy Seal



He is (and was) able to overcome many of the years of abuse that his parents afflicted upon him. Although still ahving many mental and physical scars from that time, he was able to branch out from the strict guidlines that his parents held him under. Tess is the person to thank for who he is now and who still keeps him from reverting back to the kid he was beneath his parents. Other than that, he can easily get tasks done if he puts his mind to them and with help he can achieve most of his goals. He can plan ahead for the future thus can plan easily for projects or other things to get done.


His anxiety gets the better of him most the times, causeing him to be in fear of punishment despite not ebing near his parents or anyone that could punish him for anything. He often thinks that everyhting is his fault and that he is responsible for many bad thing that happen between him his friends or his family because of how his mother and father raised him.


In a small apartment on the bottom floor, the perfect space for just him


Washington State, Seattle


He has his own place that is kept very tidy. Its small, probably only two or three rooms, but all well organized. His sense of interior decorating... it dosent make the place look very nice despite it being clean


His first (and favorite) knife that he restored is named Charloette. He hates the smell of hand sanitizer. Deazal's favorite cereal is Fruity Pebbles and his favorite pop is Sprite. He enjoys walking around without his shirt on when he's home but not in public. Hates the sound of paper tearing. Enjoys walking around in the rain during big storms. He likes seeing green things around his house, hed get one or two small plants to take care off, including catgrass for Eclipse (his cat that's missing a leg). he preferes his ice crushed not cubed. he likes to be able to sit when he showers so he can lean his head back into the water and let the water run over his body, he likes warm showers btw. he likes to play the stupid games on the back of ceral boxes even though theyre for kids and will make off answers and shit with a sharpie, even cover the answers first so he cant cheat (bc the answers are always on the box somehwere). his favorite position for watching tv is laying long ways across the couch with his feet up on the back of it. he crushes all his soda cans when hes done with them bc he likes the feeling of the bending aluminium.

sometimes during the summer he cracks the window open and cracks the blinds open just /slightly/ so that the sun hits his eyes in the morning. he hates being woken up but... the cool summer breeze in the morning and the reminder of a lnog day with violet makes him instantly happy and warm. he prefers a soft mattress so he feels like hes sleeping on a cloud. he preffers wooden floors because  he likes the sound they make in the winter when theyre creaky, even though a lot of people would be annoyed by that. he likes to sleep without a radio on in the summer, but in the winter he'll listen to classical music to help him sleep, often imagining snow falling outside and being able to lay there without freezing. he likes to sit outside when its raining to listen to it pouring down... and if he's motivated enough he'll go for a walk... he loves being able to take all his clothes off after theyre soaked so he can lay around with just a blanket on to warm up

he likes the smell of freshly printed papers. he loves the sound of the dishwasher/washing machine/dryer running and the rest of the house is quiet... save for like the tv or something but its just really peaceful to him. he might wear socks to bed in the winter because his feet get so fucking cold, unless violet was able to warm him up. when he dries off from the shower he starts with his feet and legs first, then goes to his head, then body, then his head again... after that its just wherever feels wet. hes actually pretty good at decorating and everyhwere he lives looks really aesthetically pleasing and well organized,and he switches it up every few months to keep things fresh. sometimes he jsut likes to wear basketball shorts around the house and nothing else, because it feels so free and he always thinks he looks really attractive (he is) when thats the only piece of clothing he's wearing. his favorite shows are cooking shows and he loves getting really invested into cooking competitions

Theme playlist

Ill add soemthing edgy here later