Saiph Zubeneschamali



3 months, 5 days ago

Basic Info


Saiph Zubeneschamali










Saiph is Rhea's current boyfriend. He's friendly and romantic, showering her with praise and gifts which quickly won over her heart. However, Saiph is also very childish, irresponsible, cowardly, has trouble making important decisions, and lacks a lot of common sense. He runs from responsibilities and hides from the consequences of his actions. In spite of this, Saiph thinks he's a pretty cool guy. He tells everyone that he hunts dangerous monsters/demons for a living so people will admire him, but in reality is secretly terrified of them. 

Saiph and Rhea first met when Rhea rescued him from a creature and he instantly fell in love with her. Being a paranormal investigator, Rhea thought it would be a great idea for them to team up and hunt supernatural beings together. Of course, Saiph agreed with her immediately, hoping that she could do all the "scary" work for him since she showed no fear when fighting monsters.

Saiph has two six year old twins (Mintaka and Antares) from a previous relationship. While he adores them with all his heart, he's not a great parent and usually ends up endangering them somehow by taking them along on his adventures. He's also very inattentive, resulting in them wandering off somewhere and often getting lost. He'll then bribe them with candy and gifts so they won't tell their mother what happened.

Despite all the red flags, Rhea loves Saiph very much. Compared to her previous exes, Saiph is a wonderful and kind person. Fenrir on the other hand, believes Saiph is just using her as a way to escape responsibility and have someone take care of him so he can have fun. Since it's rare to see Rhea actually happy in a relationship, Fenrir doesn't interfere at first, but then warns Saiph that he better shape up and be the man his sister deserves (or else he might make him disappear).


  • Saiph Zubeneschamali is a fake name he made up for himself when he started demon hunting because he thought it sounded cool.
  • Zubeneschamali (aka Beta Librae) is the brightest star in the Libre constellation. Some believe this is one of the only stars to give off a greenish light.