Gem - Gold (Family & Friends)



Gold's Relations

Here you will find all of Gold's friends, family, and romances.

Gold's Family


Russle 6620175_7pTgsUma9zWKruo.png?1519503660

Relation: Friend

Status: Close friends

Location: -

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Shoal 4375073_UDle5bVjLCB3fCx.jpg?1519774316

Relation: Friend / Mother figure

Status: friends, lovers, enemies, etc

Location: -

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Shore 9527586_yMCgizTpiJKeiFr.png

Relation: Friend

Status: -

Location: -

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Birth Mother danua06-311fc4bd-82e6-463d-9b1d-a429b5c6

Relation: Birth Mother

Status: Unknown

Location: Unknown

Doesn't remember much about her, other than how she looked and smelled. Because of her, they have a great fondness for candles... and fire.

Birth Father daknqy5-b08ccabe-a1ff-4d8a-9172-311f7670

Relation: Birth Father

Status: Unknown


They don't remember much about him. They do remember he had really cool armor and a mask. They hope to get some really cool clothes of their own one day.

Character Name ingrid200_by_lowkeywicked-dbemi22.png

Relation: Open/Close

Status: friends, lovers, enemies, etc

Location: romance, adventure, drama, etc

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