


4 months, 13 days ago


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NAME: Zev Batewell
PRNS: He/Him
AGE: 29
SPECIES: Werewolf
Zev’s childhood was pretty normal if you take into account that his family are werewolf hunters as normal, he was always told that even if werewolves have a human form they’ll always be beasts, it’s in their nature, he always believed that, growing up he was trained to hunt from small animals like bunnies and birds, to foxes and deers, then at age 16 he killed his first wolf. Zev was really skilled at hunting it was a natural instinct for him, he was taught by his dad to fist fight and fight with a weapon, while he got his cooking skill from his mom (it’s not because women belong in the kitchen his dad will burn the house down if he tries), when Zev turned 18 that’s when his dad told him about seeing a werewolf by a nearby village and he thinks that Zev is ready to hunt it, Zev was so excited and honored for his dad to say that, his dad took him to the sighting and he’ll stay in the village just in case and if anything happened Zev should run back immediately, Zev nods and walks into the forest. Zev walks in the forest looking for the beast, his feet crunching under the leaves and twigs, his weapon in hand and he’s alert, it’s the dead of night and he can’t see super well but he has a lot of confidence in himself, he hears a rustling and stops he looks in the direction of the noise and waits, as soon as it stops he turns his back and that’s when a werewolf in its wolf form tackles his back clawing it and biting into his shoulder, Zev screams out and is trying get the wolf off while he’s on his stomach on the floor, Zev reaches for his hunting knife once he takes a hold of it he stabs his knife in the wolf's eye, it whimpers in pain and gets off him, Zev then gets up and runs. As Zev is running he can hear the barks of the wolf it’s chasing him, he runs to the village now seeing that the wolf stopped at the edge of the village and glares at him as it walks back into the forest, Zev pants and runs to his dad, his dad sprints over to him and gets him a healer in the village, once his wounds were patched they spent the night in a tavern, the next day they go home so Zev can rest, and as he’s resting he starts sweating and getting extremely thirsty, he starts to get a fever that day and is stuck in bed for two days with flu like symptoms, his heart rate increases, he’s getting chills and feels itchy at times it was hell for him, this lasted for a week and during that week he was so uncomfortable that he would grunt and growl in pain, until one night he had such a strong urge to get out of the house, so Zev unexpectedly runs out of the house and into the nearby forest, his parents yelling for him to come back, his father chasing after him, Zev’s father looks for him for a while until he saw it, Zev had transformed into a werewolf.
Kenzo is one of his boyfriends, they bicker just to tease each other but they love each other very much.
Val is his other boyfriend, Val does a lot of protecting which makes Zev want to protect him, so him and Kenzo protect him when they can.
Kilreth is the demon that lives in his body rent free.
Design notes/trivia

•Will never cut his hair•
•Has a demonic symbol on his chest and arms•
•Kilreth can posessive him but not for very long•
•Loves to cuddles his boyfriends•
•Resting Bitch Face Syndrome•
•Has long nails•
•Gets things stuck in his hair all the time•