[$30] Minami Kaoru



6 years, 1 month ago


Personal Info
Name: Minami Kaoru (南香)
Age: 15 (Free! Iwatobi Swim Club), 16 (Free! Eternal Summer)
Gender: Female
Birthday: April 13
Sign: Aries
Height: 170 cm (5' 7")
Weight: 60 kg (132 lbs)

Academic Info
School: Iwatobi High School
Affliation: Track Team
Events: 100 m, High Jump, 110m Hurdles

Random Info
+ has 4 younger siblings (3 sisters, 1 brother)
+ loves to cook and is pretty good at it, but makes a huge mess
+ very organized in her school life but home life is disorganized af
+ has been classmates/friends with rei since they were in elementary
+ pretty much every large argument her and rei have ends with her throwing her drink in his face if she has one
+ very outspoken, sometimes offends people without realizing it
+ she is nice actually just not very tactful
+ tried confessing to rei once in middle school but he blew her off thinking it was a joke it wasn't a joke rei you idiot
+ gets up stupid-early to go for runs before school
+ parents both work a lot so she takes care of her siblings for the most part
+ does a lot of strength training on her own time
+ her dream is to compete on SASUKE