


4 months, 15 days ago


Velvino is a moth-like feline demon whom is believed to live in cherry tree gardens.

He possesses a fluffy tail and fluffy tufts on his ears, as well as two sets of wings and a pink and brown colour scheme. The white mane around his neck is not his own fur, rather part of a cloak which he sometimes wears. He sports a bow tie and heavy eyeshadow, though it’s not confirmed whether this is actual makeup or just a fur pattern. His fur fades to a pure black by his paws, which are very small and sharp a bit like sticks.

Velvino’s abilities consist of:

Hypnotization, Manipulation, Causing People to Fall Asleep, Flight, Some level of Telekinesis, Very Light Level of Mind Reading (and the situation and everything depends, requires the right situation and focus to get something, and usually it’s not very clear), Some level of Telepathy, Enhanced Strength, Strong Digestive System

Name: Velvino (in full, Velvettino and in short simply Vino or even Vel)

Age: 568 (but mentally and physically mimics age around the early twenties)

Species: Feline, no further specification.

Gender: Male (He/Ve/They)

Sexuality: Omnisexual

Likes: Cherries, Chocolates, Taking good care of his fur, Glitter, Soft things, Pretty views, Bathbombs, Make up, Perfume, Handguns, Fluffy Moths

Dislikes: Marshmallows (too squishy!), Jewelry, Water (rivers, oceans, baths, etc.), Sickness/Disease, Smoking, Axes, Arlainter, Being called “young and immature” or “irresponsible”, Zebras, Any other type of Bug

- lore I might make canon ? -

He was once arranged to marry Arlainter for stricter control over a certain region of the land, and though they had a toxic relationship and obviously left each other as soon as they could, they never legally divorced, so they are still husbands by law. Velvino has secretly still wanted to be with Arlainter because he fell in love with his personality and caringness and strength and devotion, but Arlainter wants nothing to do with him and has already taken interest in Bat.