Blu's Comments

I'd love to write for this little bean!

I really love his design and name!Damien is a really cute name!I'd love for him to be friends with my boy Zeke! Him and Zeke could be skating buddies who love to entertain others and teach them how to ride a skateboards. He'd probably work for a company that makes their own line of skateboards and he's one of the designers. He's quite smart in building and electronics, But he doesn't seem to know much about science,reading and somewhat math. But Zeke and his girlfriend Kilo are helping him get better at those subjects. He probably comes off as mean and edgy to others that aren't his friends but really he's a sweet bean who collects stuffed animals and likes to watch cute animal videos. He has 2 cats,a leopard gecko and a snake that he loves dearly.! 

I'd love to write for this cutie!

I like the name Damien but I might make it a middle name or last name since I already have a character with the same name. I think I'd name him something like Blue Damien to reference his previous name! I think he'd be kind of reserved and keep to himself, but he's actually quite friendly, just doesn't like to approach people much. He's also fairly smart in some things, like chemistry, and enjoys helping people if he gets the chance! I imagine if he had a job he'd work at Starbucks and he would drink way too much coffee (his excuse is that it makes his brain work better, though that's debatable). I think he'd fit in pretty well with some of my characters, and I'd love to develop him and see what I can do with him! I'd also love to make some art of him, and see how he'd interact with whichever characters I decide to put him with!


i love your entry! The description you wrote Damien seemed to really fit his physical look, in some way.

I'll request a transfer! Thank you for entering!

Thank you so much! I’ll take good care of him <3