Quinnan Moondancer



3 months, 18 days ago



"Knowledge is the antidote to fear."


NAME Quinnan Moondancer


AGE 114

Pronouns He/they




Role Hero











Quinnan is driven by his strong sense of loyalty and perseverance. He is a resourceful and empathetic to those in need. He also has a high sense of justice, and must follow the rules, regardless of popular vote. However, he is haunted by his past failures and struggles with feelings of guilt. Seeking redemption for his inability to save his family, Quinnan yearns to make amends by protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Driven by this desire, he is willing to risk everything, even his own life, to fight against the rising tide of super villains and criminals alike. Despite his heroic mission, he not without is arrogance, always assuming he is right.




The Sun
Small talk


Superhero Info

Abilities: Sharp sense, his ability to sense danger is heightened, along with the ability to speak partial tongue when it comes to the animals of this realm. Able to offer small timed disguises to him and companions when needed, this magical trick does not last long. He is well adversed in hand to hand combat.

Powers: Levitation of himself or objects, & energy blasts charged by this planets moon. Small healing capabilities.

Weakness: Fire/heat. His abilities are charged from the moon, he is weaker during the day. Night time provides him the strength needed to restore full power

Shortened Backstory

Quinnan was born and raised in the idyllic village of Hexlynmoor on the green plains of his home planet. Nestled amidst rolling hills and vibrant meadows, the village thrived on its communal spirit. Quinnan's family, humble farmers with hearts full of love, provided him with a nurturing upbringing. His parents, instilled in him the values of compassion and selflessness. Meanwhile, his older sister, constantly challenged him to reach new heights.

Life on their planet was not without its hardships. The village, tucked away from the bustling cities, struggled to make ends meet. But adversity only strengthened the bond between its inhabitants. They shared meager resources, relying on one another to survive the harsh winters and scorching summers. Quinnan's formative years were shaped by this tight-knit community, where neighbors became family and every soul had a role to play. This was his rite. To be the next in line to protect them and guide them all through the harsh weather conditions that the future may bring. This was meant to be his fate.

On the eve of his birthday, a catastrophic event of befell the once beautiful planet of Hexlynmoor. Instructed to stay inside by his father, Quinnan yearned to help out their kind, his instincts driving him to disobey for the greater good. Having left the home and his sister to aid in the public’s safety, in the blink of an eye, it had all gone horribly wrong. A devastating natural disaster swept through the village with relentless force, the earth rattled out from under them as the citizens scattered for their lives. Leaving destruction in its wake. Houses crumbled like fragile sandcastles, and lives were tragically lost. Realizing he could do no more, the firbolg had rushed to his home, only to find it shattered. Screaming out, he broke down, tearing away at the remnants of the structure before realizing it was too late. Overwhelmed by guilt for leaving his sister behind, Quinnan was consumed by grief and anguish. As the world continued to shake and erupt from within, evacuations had finally begun. Making his way towards the ships, he had prayed his parents would be there. They were gone. Taking the ship to the nearest planet for safety, he wept, unknowing what the next stages of his life would be. With a heavy heart and eyes burning with determination, he set his sights on the hub planet that awaited him. He was a refugee now, a deserter of worlds. He had no home, no family, and now? no idea how to handle these feelings.

Future Goals

Upon landing on the planet of Avarros, Quinnan had taken many years to get adjusted to such a degree of mixed races. He enjoys it, spending his time doing research and learning more about the histories of this hub world by day. By night? He does his self justice work, surveying the skys for dangers that may arise.

(At this time, this character is being used in a superhero rp with a friend.)