April Byrne



4 months, 13 days ago


April Byrne

Bubbles? No! He's a good Khalkotauroi. Don't worry, he only burns Demigods alive on Thursday Afternoons.

April is an extremely sweet girl, however is very active and excitable - as most 12 year olds would be. She is well mannered, kind, loving, sweet and gentle to those she meets most of the time. Although, she has a tendency to fall on the wild side of things when out in nature.
Although, April finds it hard to cooperate with people. She feels as if she can do things a lot faster alone, and also isn't used to working with people other than her older foster brother. She ran away when she was 9 years old when the Foster Care System tried to take her away from her foster family, and lived on her own on the streets for 3 years. Teammwork will be something she'll have to learn on the 4 quests in the coming years.

  • kind
  • empathetic
  • feisty
  • energetic
  • confident
  • stubborn
  • determined
  • Supernatural Accuracy
  • children of artemis have impeccable aim. this includes archery as well as sports.
  • Chlorokensis
  • children of artemis have control of the nature in forests, to a similar but slightly smaller degree as demeter children.
  • Zoolinguism
  • children of artemis have the ability to communicate with and understand stags, hawks, and wolves given that they are their mother's sacred animals. they can also understand other wildlife.
  • Increased Abilities
  • children of artemis have increased speed and agility compared to most, if not all, of the other olympian gods as their mother is the goddess of hunting.
  • Human Clock
  • children of artemis can tell the time down to the minute regardless of being underground, in the air, in the ocean or on land.
  • Taming
  • children of artemis have the ability to tame any human animal. most monsters also leave children of artemis alone, and some can be tamed. they only attack when around other demigods.
  • and more!
  • april's eyes are so grey that they reflect the colours around her / that she looks at. if she's around grass and sky, her eyes are a turquoise. if she's around buildings, grey or silver. if she's around flowers, a strange multitude of colours, etc.
  • her hair darkens as she gets older, but she's ginger or auburn.
  • april is 4'2 as a 12 year old - the average height of an 8 year old. after being claimed, her growth spurt makes her 5'8 by the time she's 18.
  • she always wears a silvery ring with moon and constellation engravings on it. it was gifted to her by a hunter of artemis for artemis herself, as her mother is not allowed to see april. it turns into a gorgeous bow.


artemis aesthetic.


Magic Ring (Gifted by Artemis).

Body Markings


Any extra questions, feel free to comment!

April's Creation.

April wasn't conceived the way most Demigods are - not through sex and not even through the mind like Athena's children are. April was created as a type of punishment and a way for Artemis to pay after a fight she had with Poseidon and her brother.
Artemis had commented about the two Gods' inability to keep away from their children - Apollo and Artemis being the only two gods who knew about Poseidon breaking his oath. The comment infuriated the two, as they both had their own reasons for struggling to not interfere with their children.
So, Apollo turned to Hestia, the only other goddess bar his very own twin who could pull something like this off. After a lot of pleading, bargaining and swearing to the River Styx, Hestia caved and decided to help Apollo and Poseidon make Artemis see how hard it was to truly stay away from their children.
After confirming Hestia would never get blame in this, multiple swears to the River Styx to enforce this, Hestia placed April in Artemis' stomach using the DNA of a random man, who happened to be Scottish. Apollo told Artemis the information he knew about the child when she found out she was pregnant, so Artemis gave her child a last name according to her father's DNA, Byrne.
Soon, Artemis did understand her twin brother and Poseidon's struggle. The day after Artemis had given birth, she was forced to put April into the Foster care agency permanently. Saying goodbye to her daughter tore something inside of her she didn't know existed. She didn't know if this child would be okay. If she were to die, if she were to find her way in this world, and she couldn't even help if she ever were to get in trouble. It wasn't the same as her Hunters, who were immortal and could receive Artemis' care. She wasn't even mad with her brother or Poseidon for getting her pregnant through magical means. She was crushed.

Early life

April was left at a fire station's doorstep at exactly 1 day old. She was wrapped in a light blue blanket with cute moon patterns on it. The fire station workers assumed she was a boy until she was brought inside and they found the nametag 'April Brooke Byrne'.
April doesn't remember who her foster family was between the ages of 0 and 3, but she knows she was taken from them suddenly and placed with the Jones family. The Jones family consisted of a mother, father and son who was quite a few years older than her. April adored the son - who's name was Leon.
April found her love of the wilderness and of hunting from her older brother. They spent most of their time outside in a tent, and Leon taught her everything he knew. Their parents didn't mind too much, since they could see the tent in the forest from their back garden, so they could check on the children whenever needed.
April also went to gynmastics, although her foster parents quickly learned that April taught herself better than being taught. Her foster parents adored April with their entire heart, and began to try to adopt her when she was 8 years old. However, by the time she turned 9, the foster care workers decided that the Jones were no longer a fit family for April. They began to prepare to take April away from her family.
April refused this. She quickly packed her bagm left a cryptic note for her brother and parents, and ran away.

Mid life

April started on her journey alone at 9 years old. At first, she spent most of her time in forests. But eventually, when she turned 10, she found herself needing more warmth more often. She began to go through cities, collecting some packaged food and sitting in cafes during cold days. This is where she met a woman who seemed to know her name without ever meeting April before. The woman called herself Zoë, and explained to April that she was a messenger for her 'parent'. April had a vague understanding that she wasn't a normal child, and that one of her parents was a strong, powerful deity.
This woman gave April a ring, that seemed to shift into a beautiful bow. After this, April met 2 Gods and 1 Goddess during her time on the run, before she eventually found herself in Camp Halfblood.

Roleplay Timeline

This is still in the works! There will be at least 4 quests over the span of 4 years. April will end up being 16-18 by the end of the roleplay. Stay tuned ;)

Finn White

friend / cousin

the contortionist - melanie martinez