for haven i can offer a custom or anyone in my ufo folder? :3 

OMG AAH id love to accept a custom for them >:33 dm me on disc.. >:333

Can I trade for the second one

i don't see anyone in your account i'd be willing to trade the design for, sorry! :(

I'm sorry for asking

its okay? :'3??

I'd love to offer on Tartarus! I can do a few fullbodies if you like! 

Examples: Here Here Here

for mementos i can do two wiggle gifs :3

I'd love to 2-3 shaded fulls for Midnight Channel or Cafe Leblanc!! Totally fine if not tho :]
Examples here as always !!

hi hi !! i'd love to accept this !! >:33 do you have a pref on which design you'd want  of the two ? :Oc

Cafe leblanc is prefered i think :3 

ofc !! >:3 i'll put them on pending for you and dm you the characters! :D

I loved, 4 and 5! Perhaps a chibi and a headshot?

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ACCEPTED FOR THE ART >:3cc dm me on disc!!

I'd love to offer another couple of fnaf customs (3 perhaps?) for Velvet and Midnight Channel!! ^^ Or I can do trades/ add art

Mainly interested in Velvet ^^ 

hi !! i'd love to accept for the customs !! i can do both of the ones you want for the 3 customs if youre fine with that!! :3

Hi glad to hear back! Is it alright if I actually just make the offer for Velvet instead? I fear I might not use Channel as much as I thought I would in the moment of offering ^^"" Would you still take a custom for Velvet or do you prefer me to add on? Lmk! :DD

i'd absolutely take a custom for velvet!! >:3 is it ok if i dm you details? :0c if youd prefer i can put details here though!

Either way works! ^^