


4 months, 14 days ago





17.3 HH

Gold Champagne Dun Tobiano

White, Gold, and Red

Breed Line


Little is known about Leilani's origins, due to the lonely life she leads. When she was just a little foal, she was left alone on the islands, by a mother fearing for the safety of herself, the foal and everyone around. Leaving the foal alone seemed to her the best option, expecting that it would never survive long alone. For there was something striking about the little creature: little sparks appeared at the tips of her feathers every now and then, and that could never promise much good.

Nevertheless, Leilani managed to find a way to survive, although it hasn't always been easy for her. Although she would have liked otherwise, she still did not have full control over those little sparks of fire. And although small fire sparks may seem harmless at first glance, they could cause quite a bit of damage in the island's bushy environment. To avoid hurting others by accidentaly burning them, she never dared let anyone near her. Though the only exception was in the rain, where the wet drops could extinguish her sparks should things get out of hand. Not longer having to worry about any fire-accidents, the rain gave her a lot of piece.

But approaching others was still something she did only when the need was great. Many kuda were only able to catch glimpses of her, but she was fine with that for now. Still, she could not help herself, but hope for a future where she would finally be in control of these special fire sparks.

Looks & Character

Kudas are descended from the Marwaris, which can be seen by the ears that are pointed inwards. In addition, you may have already noticed something special about Leilani: where a horse would normally have manes, she has feathers. When her ancestors stranded on one the islands, they slowly started evolving, replacing their manes with feathers. In addition, the feathers have the ability to light up when Leilani wants them to. Not only that, she can also start a soft fire from the tips of her feathers that releases endless embers. And in case you haven't noticed: Leilani is a draft horse, as she is part of the War Phoenix line.


  • Rain, or anything related to being wet
  • Caves, away from anything flammable
  • Watching the nightsky


  • Flowers, especially when it's a field full of them
  • Letting others close
  • Foals hanging out with their mothers (jealousy?)

Leilani can be seen as a very shy horse. She doesn't often seek to approach others because she's too scared about what she will (accidentally) do to them. Having isolated herself for years and living alone, she has never had the opportunity to develop her social skills. Things as simple as small talk create a lot of confusion for her, causing her to fall silent most of the time.

Furthermore, she can greatly enjoy anything water related, rain, waterfalls, swimming and so on. While many horses would seek shelter when it starts raining, this is the exact moment when you see Leilani at her happiest, exploring the wondrous nature of the world without worrying about setting everything on fire. The water quenches the sparks of fire at the tips of her feathers, something she sadly isn't able to control for herself.


Jay [ FRIEND-ish ]

Jay is perhaps one of the few animals with whom she has had repeated contact. The animal's curiosity caused him to keep approaching her even when she tried everything possible to prevent it. She is starting to trust this rodent more and more, since he doesn't seem to be brought in danger by her fire, due to how small he is and how quickly he moves.