Anastasiya Vetrov



6 years, 1 month ago


✦ Anastasiya

NameAnastasiya Vetrov
BirthdayMay 27th
SpeciesGreat Brown Bear
✦ About

Anastasiya is a quiet individual who normally watches everything that is going on in the world around her with an optimistic view on things. She normally tries to bring out the best in every situation even if they are the worst possible scenario for her or her friends. It's quite hard to push Anastasia's buttons but it's very easy for her to push others without realizing it with her sarcastic nature. She seems to be searching for something but it's quite hard to figure out what, she will hardly tell anyone her personal issues and will divert the flow of attention to something else.

✦ Appearance

Anastasiya is a Great Brown Bear hybrid, who normally wears very intricate dancer clothing, from ballet to oriental styled clothing she has from her travels across Russia living as a gypsy. She normally can be seen wearing pink, that matches her hair color and tends to have some form of mystery to her step.

✦ Backstory

Anastasiya was born in Mariinsk, Kemerovo Oblast, Russia. She lived with her Grandparents, her mother and father were part of the military. Her mother specifically was a Cosmonaut, when she was a child her mother was one of the first hybrids in space, but due to technical malfunction something terrible happened and she presumed lost with the rest of the crew as the spaceship broke up on reentry. Her father was too busy to return home to see her, so her grandparents took parental control and with their limited funds began traveling around Russia to earn money to support her. Anastasiya always had a knack for dancing and would perform for customers to help her grandparents along their travels. By the time of the war, she saved enough money to travel to the coasts, avoiding other humans along the way to make it out of Russia. Along the way, she was orphaned as her grandparents could not come with her, both their old age and health conditions prevented them from traveling to the port and they set up in a town local to the port. By herself she managed to board the ship and traveled to Irazia Verna. Now by herself and filled with regret for leaving them, she keeps to herself regarding her past and avoids bringing up the topic while around her friends.