
4 months, 24 days ago


So when I read 'lost media' and 'creepypasta-ish', my brain went to one of the absolute WEIRDEST animals I know-the aye-aye! With long middle fingers for hunting bugs, massive ears (to ALSO hunt bugs), AND those giant eyes, there's no WAY I could pass this up-though I will admit I was fighting the urge to go full Smiling Critters on this little gal because I was watching stuff for Chapter 3 when you messaged me, and those little nightmares are fresh in my brain, haha-

I was going for an old plushie/toy type of feel for her, from her undone and ruined bow on her neck, to her face being done in that endearing-yet-unsettling style some toys had back in the day.

I also gave her some physical damage from a fire as well-maybe someone tried to burn her due to how unsettling she was, but only made it worse? Or perhaps she's the sole survivor of some building fire or something... who knows! Only you. :>

Also I gave her human teeth, because that's creepy-