


3 months, 7 days ago



Profile (feel free to change/not use as much as you like! this is just to help get started on character development!) - outline written by Solminol

  • an ice dragon!
  • guardian of a village in the northern part of the world
    • legend has it that they became the guardian when long ago a young child gifted them a freshly made cookie as thanks for them saving the child from another dragon
      • the dragon that attacked the child was one the ice dragon hated. the ice dragon didn't care for saving the child, they just didn't want the other dragon to have dinner
      • ice dragon was captivated by the taste of the cookie and the child offered them more treats if they came to the village with them
        • and thus a bond was formed and eventually the ice dragon came to love the village and its people (and the baked treats the people made for them)
      • they protect the village from other monsters, in return for food and companionship
  • loves human made food, particularly baked sweets
    • due to being an ice dragon, they are not good with fire and are incapable of cooking food
      • the fire has to be incredibly hot (which is only possible when the fire source is magical or from another dragon) in order for it to not get immediately extinguished in their close presence
      • they also have Big Meaty Claws and thus cannot cook foods like humans can with their delicate hands
    • their favorite treats are cookies of any kind, as it reminds them of their old friend and the chance meeting that had changed their life forever
  • super chill and a friend to people
    • was originally pretty neutral towards humans and saw them as snacks, but as their bond with the villagers grew they started understanding humans and stopped seeing them as food (but they would still totally eat a person if that person was terrible)
    • finds humans and their behavior and advances in technology fascinating
  • body consists of fur and scales
    • outer layer of fur has a sort of hydrophobic quality to it
      • they can dive into water and the water just kinda slides off them once they get out
    • the things on their back/elbows/wrists/ankles are kinda like appendages that act as conduits for ice magic
      • they absorb heat and moisture from the air
    • has a cold aura around them. it is about 10 degrees cooler within a few feet of them
      • recommended to wear a heavy coat if you're going to be meeting them
      • if injured, the cold aura gets weaker the more injured they are
        • if they were to die, their body would decompose just like any other creature's, except their heart would be encased in a never-melting ice
          • this heart is considered an extremely rare item that would grant great ice powers to any being that consumes it
            • this fact actually has had made them a target to power seekers before! these hunters believe this dragon to be softer and weaker due to living a life among humans
            • maybe a story about them dying and their heart is consumed by a descendant of their old friend so they can gain the dragon's powers and become the new guardianđŸ¤”
    • on the smaller side! among dragons in their world they would be considered a "lesser dragon"
      • (writer's note: idk how big they are, that is for future owner to decide)