Eo on whole th's Comments

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If consider art or this girl if she is for trade!! https://toyhou.se/14292942.lacerta/gallery

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Works perfect for me!! Send her over then I can send my boy!!

if this is still open i'd love to offer for https://toyhou.se/12797430.ozzyozamu https://toyhou.se/11237876.amon

i can do anyone im my th (offlimits dior and xenith) and/or art! https://toyhou.se/aventio/art

A couple characters caught my eye, but I wanted to ask if you’d consider doing multiple characters for one of mine? :0 I just ask because the two that caught your eye were both pretty pricey, let me know if not though!!

i'd be fine with that yeah! :D

Oh awesome!! Would you be willing to do these guys for Amon? :D https://toyhou.se/24169547.milo https://toyhou.se/25693390.ros

i can yeah! :D

Epic!! Send them over then I’ll send him!!

2 Replies

Anyone in my th for them??https://toyhou.se/21520002.riot

Sadly I didn’t see anyone that I’d use!!

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Sadly no one really caught my eye for her!! 

how much art would you be wanting for https://toyhou.se/11237876.amon?

I don’t think I’d take just art for him unfortunately!! Though depending on the amount I might consider it

no worries ^^ i can only offer art at the moment but thank u ><

Ahhh omgmg for https://toyhou.se/25323587.cephis I can offer any characters in here, here or here? (With the exception of the rainbow demon in the OTA folder). 

I'm willing to trade multiple :o 

I'm willing to trade for Mimi and someone else! (or multiple if they're like, small lil guys lol) 

But I'm not willing to part with anyone in the auction folder for anything other than money. 🙇‍♀️ I can offer a bust though if you want if no other character catches your eye? 

Ok!! I’ll definitely think on this, your art is super pretty!!

Okay! :33 

Hihi! Do you see anyone in my TH for https://toyhou.se/15719470.fester ^^ 

Sonas off limits! FH very tent! Tyyy!

You have so many pretty characters omg!! I really like kei and purple guy though if you’d consider either of them!!

I probably wouldn’t be willing to do either I’m sorry <<//333 tysm tho, and I love fester so if anyone else catches your eye lmk! Would be willing to do multiple of anyone outside of SONAS or FH <3333

Ok!! In that case starbit, laika, and yoghurt caught my eye if you’d be down to do two them maybe?

Ah rlly sorry ^^; I’d be willing to do any one of those guys + a character from my UFO folder/secondaries folder, but not two from the list because they all have around the same amount of art as fester! ^^

Ok!! I really like yoghurt, but sadly no one else caught my eye!! I might think about just doing him though if you’d like!!

3 Replies

Hellooo! :) Interested in https://toyhou.se/16174300.icce !!! I can offer a fullbody + headshot or a custom? :3 whatever you'd like really!!

art examples: https://toyhou.se/Ryver/art

if you'd rather look at trades you're welcome to look through here, though I might be a little tent!! https://toyhou.se/Ryver/characters/folder:all/tags:1/extagged:not%20character

I might be willing to do art, but I’d definitely be interested in a trade as well!! May I ask who’s off limits? :D

Only off-limit is Mako, and im more tent with sonas!! I encourage you to look but I am only really interested in trades if the two characters have equal value, so just keep that in mind! Other than that go crazy and don't let that deter you :3

awwhh shoot I dont mean to disappoint ya but scout has a worth of $100 and manuka $30!! Cirrus and Cinnamon Im not sure on as they do have extra art >w< would you be willing to consider my art offer for icce or are trades the only thing you'd consider? :0

Sadly I probably wouldn’t take the art offer for him at the moment!! So sorry!!

1 Replies

Super interested in this one! https://toyhou.se/2983632.nn

 I could do a USD Voucher for $20 :0 !!

Ooo I’ll definitely consider this and get back to you!!


https://toyhou.se/25207521.cozi https://toyhou.se/22647622.jet would you be willing to take art for any of these characters?

examples here. https://toyhou.se/Cattydepre/art

Both jet and Cozi might be pending at the moment!! But I’ll definitely let you know if they aren’t anymore!!


Sadly no one really caught my eye!!

All good! Ty for letting me offer :]

hii!! wud u be willing to take art for this chara

i cud do a 3d chibi or a doodle!


Ooo I’ll definitely consider this!! I especially like you normal chibi art though like in the second example!!

tysmm!! >< i cud do 2 of those since the chara has 2 drawings! /nf

Ok!! I’d be down to do that!! Do you have a discord we could talk over? If so feel free to add me, my user is Mongooseontheloose4U 

request sent! :3