




 You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back. 



┋ Duskfall
AGE ┋ 2 years old
GENDER ┋ Female
SPECIES ┋ Common (25% White Tail, 25% Roosevelt Elk, 50% Red Deer)
HEIGHT ┋ 3.7 ft
WEIGHT ┋ 130 lbs
SCENT ┋ Floural; vanilla combined with rose
BUILD ┋ Lanky, borderlining malnourishment
SEXUALITY ┋ Heterosexual




Long legs stretched outward, Duskfall’s frame is petite at best. Sporting a slower metabolism, the doe finds herself struggling to gain. Broad shoulders carry her repressed stature, her brooding appearance letting on that she would much rather stick on her own. Beautiful, defined curls tumble down her neck and about her withers, tickling the backs of her shoulder blades. Cheeks usually sporting a soft blush, Dusk’s round doe eyes are usually averted to avoid all contact. Rosy, diluted shades of deep mahogany layer Dusk's features, eyes shrouded by flecking grey. Her underbelly and hind legs are coated in a light slate, contemplating her red hues nicely. Dusk is elegant at best, eyes round yet gruff in a neutral stance; shrouded by a milk-cap of darker red upon her crown. The girl also sports a dark crimson half-cape just behind her shoulders. A small set of antlers settle between a mop of curls upon her crown, the young woman using her weapons proudly.



HERD ┋ Elysium
TASK ┋ Hunter
RANK ┋ 0



Through passion does Duskfall roam free of heart, dedicated to serve every soul she passes with utmost respect... where it is deserved. Dusk has been marked quite the bold individual, brandishing her heart upon her sleeve. While she is quite capable of taking care of herself, the girl finds herself confident in that aspect of bravado. She will defend her friends and family selflessly, as she is terribly protective of those she cares for. However, even defending those she does not know, she will put her life on the line in an act of heroism if it came down to it. Even though some deem this a negative quality, she is quite the dramatic, yet curious lass. Sometimes, that curiosity will delve deeper than she wishes herself, causing quite the fuss in the outcome. Even so, she makes it up with how resourceful she tends to be. Picking everything apart from the inside out, nothing escapes her exceptionally observant demeanor. Upon further investigation of her attentive outlook, the girl’s honesty reigns supreme above all. With that honesty does her sensitivity tie in, hand in hand, to reveal to those who get to know her-- Dusk is not void of emotion whatsoever, for it drives her.

Through a complex vortex of emotions does this girl struggle with as one may delve into her neutral characteristics. While she tends to be quite independent, she can prove to be ever the handful. Dusk inclines to rely heavily on the approval of others, becoming needy, she seeks the approval of others as she is quite insecure. Depending on the right person, Dusk will prove adequate at following strict directions obediently. Notwithstanding, the adolescent woman finds herself speaking out of turn if it corresponds with what she believes in, becoming blaringly outspoken. She will not stand idly by if another suffers, or if something clashes with her moral beliefs. Signs of affection and that she cares about another are proven through physical interaction, a simple touch or action toward another. Sarcasm may drip from her words the moment another vexes her, otherwise quiet and introverted in the presence of a stranger. The curly haired doe attends to become soft if another requires it, or tough and hardened if her mind is set… and it will not change easily.

An unbelievably quick temper resides in the reactive side of Dusk’s mind. One can easily get beneath her skin, sometimes without wishing to. Duskfall can become overwhelmingly aggressive, blunt and cold if given the opportunity- despicably so. It is quite the weakness of her’s, becoming a spitfire at the littlest of inconveniences… an aspect of her that can be toyed with. Once her brain has switched into a compulsive mode, there is little that she can do to stop herself. Words and, perhaps, erratically violent action will ensue, depending on the individual. The youth becomes careless, crude thoughts unrefined, flowing disobediently from her maw. Fiery, upbeat and equipped with a tongue unlike any other. Undoubtedly, she is moody, fluctuating from raw emotions without fail. Even so, once a decision is to be made, Dusk tends to be quite hesitant, as she is ever the naïve lass, who’s elder brother's done the talking. Through devastation has this gal’s life wrought, when left alone to her thoughts does she become increasingly melancholy. Anxiety will overrun her mindset, as she heavily relies on the presence of her elder brother to comfort her endlessly.



There was not a time in her youth that Dusk did not recall misery.

Duskfall was birthed to a conceded doe, cursing her existence to the wind as her spindly father flinched at her fiery tongue. Her mother burst with such self-hatred that it embodied her entire aura, morphing into the most hated illness of all; the woman would preferably spend her days basking in the sun rather than rearing the young her husband prayed for. The husband that remained crippled-- hind leg contorted by a fall that permanently caused lameness in the joint, unable to defend his family, if he even desired. Their interest in parenting soon began overtook with lust and greed, deadly sins enticing their attention away from their exceptionally young children.

Dusk's elder brother, Rockfall, along with her elder sister, Rainfall, remained the sole light of her adolescence- a world she finds herself in given the chance. Not that anything good ever lasts.

Hunger drove the family just as hunger drove the wolves.

Huddled in the thicket late one fair evening, the absence of their parents merely allowed the predators to deter from the nestled children. Rockfall was the first to hear their distant screams. Startled, jolted muscles shuffled the scattered leaves and jolted his younger sisters awake. Noise shambled in their dreary, batting eyes as the screams began to heighten- overly lengthy legs scrambling and knocking together in freight. The eldest of them remained steadfast as he ushered his littler siblings from the safety of their warm home, soft sobs choking their esophagus's as they briskly fled through the wilderness paths they knew.

But despite their elder brother's urgency, the predators were fully aware of their fleeing meat.

Duskfall felt Rainfall collapse behind her- eyes bulging from her skull as she skidded around to a halt. In the distance, she witnessed Rockfall being torn apart. No time to configure time as it stilled between the remaining sisters as Dusk attempted to assist her older sister, hooves clipping on rock as the girls took off as their big brother's screams joined the air. Through the woodlands they'd fled to a clearing, having no other option but to bolt through the open field. However, a valiant warrior of the hunting party had caught the sweet scent of their youthful flesh. The fleeing miniatures felt the rumble of the massive brute perusing them, fangs gnashed as saliva rippled from his chin. The girl's sobbing screams served no purpose as they scrambled towards the coverage of the fields of thorny bushes-- a route that Rockfall had taught them times before.

But she tripped again.

Rainfall's soft, delicate fur spurted crimson the moment the wolf's teeth penetrated her neck. Duskfall stared horrifically as the life left her big sister's eyes-- but she knew she couldn't freeze. Her hind legs propelled her deep into massive thorny vines and brush that she was small enough to fit through as more bodies began to force themselves from the other side of the clearing. Sobs remained stuck in her throat as Duskfall continued to force her footing back further, barbs jutting and bringing blood to the surface of the small, stinging wounds. The predators were too large, too engorged to fit after the girl that fled.

Duskfall does not remember how long she ran after making it through the painful brambles. She does not remember how hard she sobbed once it was clear, once the images caught back up in her head- the way she wailed and collapsed limply once green grass hit her hooves. Duskfall does not remember how she arrived in Agartha, only the warming orbs of the doe that discovered her sniveling form, discarded to the foliage.The little lass remembers the first time she made eye contact as a sobbing, sniveling little girl with Cloudsnap- his scowling muzzle burning into her. Fear had crippled her chest, not understanding why she was here, why this older boy did not treat her the same as the brother she had lost.

Helena's fierce aura was enthralling. There remained not a time that Dusk was not daydreaming about her adoptive mother, taking inspiration in her words and movements. The little doe became the shadow of both Helena and Cloudsnap, looking up to them, mirroring them, idolizing them; bound and determined to win over her new big brother. And as she pried, and as they grew, so did her bond with them both; Cloudsnap opening up more of himself, remedying the wounds that losing her blood siblings had brought. Happiness peaked in her growing life, a year passing as the adoptive deer that sheltered her easily became her family. Everything appeared perfect, even with the arrival of Cloudsnap's biological mother Primrose- like nothing could take away the happiness and piece that they had founded.

Almost nothing. Almost forever after.

Duskfall remembered the moment Cloudsnap, coated in blood and an unholy dose of grief driven rage, returned to bring news that Helena and Primrose had been butchered in the same manor that her own parents befell.

That he was leaving.

Duskfall could not breathe as she watched him depart, chest cracked open as sobbing wails began to rip from her chest. It tooks days for the lass to regain the energy to move, to formulate exactly what had happened. To realize that they were simply going to sit here and do nothing to aid her big brother, now lost to the winds.

And to the winds did Duskfall take, stepping through her unimaginable grief as the only thing she had left became her target. Coming across the remains of her mother and Cloud's own, the stench was enough to will her into a full sprint after the fresh tracks Cloudsnap had left behind. Fury, unimaginable rage poured from her own heart as her hooves thudded to the beat of the mission she set in motion for herself. A stupid one, a selfish one. One that would ensure that she could enact revenge for not only Helena, but for her siblings lost to the roots of the earth.

Duskfall would be damned if she allowed another brother to die if she could of done something about it.

A fresh adult to the world, the girl bounded through lands unknown in search for the end of Cloudsnap's trail. Fresh blood from his features aided her tracking along the way; leading Duskfall to the lands owned by another herd deemed Elysium. New to the folds, the girl has yet to come across her brother- hiding in places she could from him, at a mere distance.

Confrontation had never been her best friend; but she wasn't going anywhere, as long as he was in her sights.