
Name: Minette

Age: 25+

Gender: Demigirl (She/They)

Orientation: Multiromantic-Demisexual

Occupation: S.Q. Agent / Assistant; Criminal, Former AAHW.

Height: 158 cm (5'2")

Voice Claim: Vanellope Von Schweets (WIR, Sarah Silverman) or Power (CSM, Sarah Wiedenheft)

Strength: 7/10
Agility: 9/10
Endurance: 8/10
Intelligence: 9/10

Ranged: 8/10
Melee: 7/10
Unarmed: 5/10

Personality: Minette, though often having a neutral demeanor, is a highly intelligent and complex individual.

She is a tactile and proficient person when it comes to tasks, even when in combat, she usually relies on similar strategies to Doc, although isn't indifferent to using brute strength when it comes to it. She can be very serious about her job.

She is usually quiet or selectively mute (even appearing deadpan), but still is very emotional on the inside and prefers to use body language.

She often feels very excited about missions (and to an extent committing bloodshed, though she's not as sadistic as Hank). She's oddly eccentric about a lot of things.

Minette speaks in a very blunt way and often doesn't understand social cues, though she does tend to be friendly and is easily swayed to someone's good side.
Minette is also somewhat playful.

She appears to be a play on the trope cute-but-deadly.

Appearance: A petite woman with a black bob cut with curled-out ends, She wears a dark grey coat with a skirt and a white top. She also sports white thigh-high socks and sneaker-esque boots (Though in her sprites, they are the same color as everyone else's shoes).

Her signature feature is her large pink bow.

She has matching pink and black accessories.

She is considered very cute and pretty.
(You have to agree with this!)

Even though she has black hair, her true hair color is white.

She possesses yellow blood due to her ATP augmentation.

She has scarring around her body but it isn't very visible.

Her childhood + adolescent years remain unknown, however, she was hired at some point as a young adult by the AAHW.
Eventually, she was "promoted" to a Soldat.
For some odd reason, she had defected from the AAHW and joined the S.Q.

Hank - They remain indifferent to each other, Hank particularly doesn't care about her and often disrespects her boundaries by picking her up to put her into places or to move her out of the way (Yes, he throws her). When they converse, it's short. He respects her as much as he respects Sanford and Deimos, which is likely a lot.

Sanford - They share a somewhat big brother/little sister bond with each other, they interact very often and share a neutral/calm attitude.

Deimos - They bond very well due to them being around the same age and sharing a similar background. In most of my interpretations, they're dating.

Doc - They are interpersonal with each other, Minette is oddly loyal to him...

- Minette is considered my "sona"!
- It took me a day to come up with her name, but it means "Kitten" and "Faithful defender" which I thought was fitting! It also is very similar to "Mini" which it is!
- She has Autism & ADHD.
- She loves staring at people, especially people she likes or finds interesting. She has no idea that this scares people.
- She's partially blind in her right eye from tearing out her soldat eyepiece.