Bertram Arminius



8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Bertram Arminius


Bert, Berty, Pisspuss




Cis Male


At one point Bertram was a talented young Hunter, working along side his closest friend. But after a terrible spinal injury left him bound to a wheelchair, he had to take refuge in the safe haven of Ivie and Hershel, where he serves as a lookout and keeps everyone's weapons finely tuned and ready to go.


Bertram, at his core, is a fearless individual, brave to a fault and incredibly foolhardy. He thinks second and acts first, and personal safety is often put on the back burner for the fiery young man. As a Hunter he took great pride in his abilities, and was more than a little competetive with his best friend. But eventually his foolhardy and reckless nature would catch up to him. It was during a particularly sucessful hunt that he got too cocky for his own good, and all it took was a well aimed blow to end his career as a Hunter. After losing the use of his legs, he became a much more aggressive person, much more tempermental and easy to anger. He blows up very easily and will often regard everyone in the Safehouse with a displeased scowl, especially when he has to ask for help or finds himself unable to do something he used to be able to. His explosive temper can also be attributed to the fact that he can no longer accompany his partner, or watch his back. His mood elevates considerably when his partner visits him, knowing that he is safe takes some of the stress from his shoulder, and will usually make him a more pleasant person, at least for a little while. He can be a good person, with a good heart, he has just become clouded by a nagging bitterness, feeling useless and like he let his partner down.