Jedadia Morningstar



4 months, 4 days ago


Jedadia was born with his sister and predetermined partner, Asherah. Ash hated everything other than Jed, and Jed loved life. At first she let him make the world, then dead things, then harmless living things that weren't even free willed, then Genesis. Genesis was everything to Jed, all he focused on, and she went mad. Jed ended up having to lock her away in the cabin they lived in together, but in process he had to take out her eye, a bloody and scary ordeal which led Genesis to running away and Jed having to grab and return him about an eon later. His many scars and underlying features are hidden under the hat he made himself, keeping himself cloaked and mostly un-frightening. Jed loves all his creatures in current times, humans which are particularly his favorite because they're so young, fragile, but angels are just as pretty, and heaven born are just gorgeous. Hell was never his idea, it was his sons Michael and Samuel who he could never get to get along with each other. He suspected there was sibling rivalry but it ended up being much more when Samuel was banished, but there were always some people that he couldn't interpret, couldn't see with his omnipotent vision. Now he enjoys his never ending life with the heads and his people, who he had to save from his own god, the oldest in the line of them, the God of Gods can never touch his creations if he's around, he can do whatever he wants to Jed, but Jed won't let him touch them and it makes him livid. But G.O.G couldn't understand free willed things like himself even if he wanted too, so Jed lets him do what he wants to him, and is as kind as possible to his beings, his children.