shroudedfrond's Comments

anyone in my th?

Feel free to look through my toyhouse! Tribal off-limits <3

sorry just seen this! you know who id want err:sob: 

Yeah-- Probably wouldn't do Autumn for them, unfortunately :( (I can't tell if I forgot or something. I swore you already replied to me was I dreaming 😨)


I DON'T HAVE A CLUE LMAO... cause I don't see my comment here but I SWORE I did.. idk maybe I'm imagining things lmao

does anyone in my toyhouse interest you? (sorry about all the deleted comments it sent four times lmao)

i LOVE solstice and chickadeetrot but i dont feel comfy trading her as i got her today!

edit: lmk if theres anyone else!

solstice is very dear to me + they have a large worth gap, however i can consider chickadeetrot if you ever feel comfortable trading hearth! unfortunately i didn't see anyone else

hey! still interested?

chickadee has already been traded away im afraid