


5 years, 10 months ago


He was an experiment at a lab that was testing the power of the mind and brain. Alexander,as he was known as back then, was a volunteer. He was subject to test on splitting one's personalities into separate beings, how ever the experiment went wrong and instead of splitting him, he came out with 2 minds,one that calls themselves Alex and the other Zander, and 4 arms,each set being controlled by one mind. His minds started out fighting for control, but they had discovered that they both need to work in unison to keep alive and move around. They 2 took Alexander as their name when they act as one again. When the company shut down, Alexander was left to figure out how to survive in a normal world as a "mutant".

Pretty much the best way to think of this character is a balloon full of oil and water rolling down a slope,they don't mix well but still manage to move the balloon...or you can just listen to "left brain, right brain" from Bo Burnham for a better way to look at them...I really liked drawing this guy,trying to figure out how to put a set of arms on top of another

(Oh boy, this guy was a long time coming...I can't believe I'm finally putting on here)