Captin Vilehelm's Comments

Would u take offer on this guy?

No I only take offers on characters in my trade folder :/

Oh okay thank u for letting me know!!!! If he ever ufo can u lmk/nf 

hi  i need

captian is currenrlty in his 30s (and he has numerous children)

when he was 17, he gained powers and made his way to cario, he sealed his destiny

he is gay and a marine biologist and ship catian

hes like clint from jaws with more trauma

May I claim?? Oki story time! Captain is a furry train conductor in the 1800’s. He was well known by everyone in the town and he knew everyone back. He never missed work and made friends with many people. His favourite animals are sharks and he loves drawing in his spare time when he’s not serving on the train lines

god Mocha how do you redesign things so well 😭😭💜💜

This lad is the stoic captain of a rouge starship that travels through the cosmos to loot metals and other materials from novas and planets. They use these metals to build onto the ship, making it faster, stronger, scrappier. When they find certain precious metals they use them to trade with merchants on alien planets or to bribe other ships for their own safety. While his crew is optimistic and close knit he keeps them at arms length. He knows that the cosmos are dangerous and unforgiving, he's plenty of people die in his time on the ship. Despite this he defends his cremated fiercely and is kind when overseeing renovations on the ship. 

Hell yea cool cat, very fun to write for B]

I really like this one, you can hav him haha

Hey hey I would love to take in this fellow! He would likely fit right in with my current lore for anthro characters! He would be a diety that takes the dead to the afterlife, but instead of it being the river styx like in most interpretations, its a train that rides its way all the way to limbo for one to be judged.

I'd also think he would be rather familiar with my beloved Eleos, who frequently visits him trying to help lift his spirits (haha get it?)