


3 months, 14 days ago


Lluvia is a kirin from the mlp universe. He's generally pessimistic and bitter with a tendency to lock his feelings away, purposefully avoiding emotion lest he undergo his nirik form. Not to say this method doesn't work, but it does little to give Lluvia much in terms of happiness. He/Him pronouns.

Lluvia was, he's pretty sure, one of the last kirin to reverse the effects of the Stream of Silence. When the rest of his kind had accepted the cure, he had not. Even as his village tried and tried to convince him otherwise, Lluvia remained adamant. Eventually, they stopped. This was fine. Lluvia was... well, not happy, but content to remain the same. He had seen the destruction that had resulted from unkempt emotions, and he wanted nothing to do with it. So silent he remained. That is, until the plague hit. 

With chaos brewing around him and his village members falling left and right, Lluvia realized something crucial: his nirik form may be the only thing capable of keeping him alive. Reluctantly, he cured himself. 

Lluvia had not felt in a very long time, and now he had to - very very much, very very quickly - or he would die. While able to escape his village relatively unscathed (physically, at least), Lluvia now had to traverse an entirely new world, all the while maintaining emotions he had not experienced in an incredibly long time. Oh, and avoid the plague, too. 

Lluvia was created with the intention to use for an infection au. He's very normal.