Bermuda Buttercup



4 months, 3 days ago


Bermuda Buttercup [Gracie Rios] is a yellow flower, born without any eyes (she still has the ability to see). She is 31 years old, and her pronouns are she/they, she is transgender. Their birthday is August 27th, 1992. They’re also demisexual, and enjoys writing in her diary.

She works as a child psychologist, mostly online during zooms, as she has to watch her siblings. She has a total of 5 siblings, which include Daisy, Rose, Vanda Orchid, Stick, and Phalaenopsis Orchid. She’s quite a hard worker, and very patient. She’s gained this patience as how her siblings were raised by their deadbeat unwise parents, to which her siblings have a hard time with simple tasks and abilities, including things such as reading, writing, and spelling, due to never being put in school.