


5 years, 10 months ago


-he/him, neutral good, esfj

-Grew up in the suburbs of Lagoon Springs

-Working class family; both parents were factory workers

-Wanted to become a doctor, but has dyslexia + ADHD + some other learning disorder, and realized he was physically incapable of learning for long periods of time. dropped out of highschool at 17

-worked at a local grocer until early twenties, found a roomie on their version of craigslist and moved out

-not the brightest but makes up for it with unending kindness and positivity. is kinda helpless, has never really truly learned to take proper care of himself, doesnt have his shit together as much as he wants to but disappointing the people he loves is a giant fear so he's slowly getting it together. lowkey trying to get his GED with help of Moka

-Personal trainer, and makes instructional videos on youtube for in-home workouts to bring in extra cash

-dating Aster (@Rediculous), a local cute and adorable bunny he's absolutely heads over heels for