


5 years, 10 months ago


  • Conqueror King - Measured and commanding, a simultaneously ruthless and honorable king who is a bit too fond of terror tactics centered around his fearsome magical ability. This makes for a kind of decadent arrogance- basically he's incredibly haughty and has never done an honest day's work in his life...
  • Very powerful but disillusioned magic user. 
  • Straightforward and strangely poetic in a romantic sense. 
  • There is little that would prevent him from his goals, though what exactly they are not even he knows. He currently lives more or less aimlessly; his people neither hate nor love him and his enemies are wary enough not to be immediate threats.
  •  He believes his only purpose is to act as a living barrier between his kingdom and all who would seek to harm it. Thus he is often seen on the battlefield and handling other threats personally because that's all he can think to do. 
  • He complains of boredom often and causes trouble in court for entertainment.
  • King of an isolated fey nation.
  •  He has a deep voice but moe love of bunnies & other soft creatures, and penchant for affectionate ambush attacks. 
  • He has very few people with whom to express affection to, however...he's a tsundere toward Viscarian but will hug and kiss him at every opportunity.
  • Prone to obsession.
  •  Is cruel & cunning but has a skewed sense of honor and tries to be a better person when addressed. 
  • Honestly, he's obsessed with Vis because he's 'real', an enigma, and a challenge. Very few people can handle- even interact with- Oricus for a significant length of time. He's too intense and combative, especially for someone with the power to kill you with a sneeze.
  • But Viscarian is happy to mentally and physically spar with him. To an extent. He'd appreciate it if Oricus didn't borderline stalk him around the world...
  • Always keeps promises, even if he twists them. 
  • His right eye was personally removed by his mother as a punishment when he was nine.
  • Gets cold easily...he loves winter, however, as it's the season that killed his father.