


4 months, 16 days ago

Basic Info

Worth (Base Price)

25$ + character trade + 1 fullbody (£10) + 2 messy icons (£6)

Additional Art

£12 / $15

Total Worth

£47.60 / $60.25


TBN is a kittypet who lives on a farm and helps her twolegs collect things such as eggs and plants ^^

She is an outside cat. While she is allowed inside her twolegs' home, she prefers to freely roam around and usually sleeps in the barns used to shelter the farm animals at night.

She is very proud of her work and especially likes to pick berries as she is sometimes rewarded with one or two as a treat afterwards.

She loves the taste of strawberries and raspberries the most but doesn't get to eat them very often, collecting them ups her chances of being given one though.

She can initially come of as somewhat apathetic and arrogant, she lives to work and prides herself on doing so. However, she's just one of those cats that will only start to open up to you after having known you for a while first. To her friends, she is as sweet as the berries she picks.

She likes to offer support and advice for others and often spoils those she likes with the food she has collected (be nice and maybe you'll be gifted with a nutritious chicken egg or a cluster of sweet berries).

She is aware of the clans but pays them no mind, the clan cats aren't her responsibility so she doesn't care what's going on with them. As long as they aren't messing with her farm she will simply ignore them. She is sort of welcoming, emphasis on 'sort of', she is willing to let outsiders roam the farm but will keep a close eye on them. She respects those who offer to help her or her twolegs in exchange for shelter, food, etc..

She lives alongside 3 other cats: Scone, Churro, and Blondie (all are named after desserts)