
3 months, 25 days ago


A joke fusion turned serious after vibing with the design. ✨



Somnia is my personal embodiment of all things spooky and Halloween in the form of a Gengar mixed with a Mega Gengar, a bit of Bob Velseb from Spooky Month, and other things associated with Halloween.

She’s very chill and goes with the flow, vibing with anyone and constantly looking like she just rolled out of bed. However, despite her chill demeanor, she knows how to have fun and loves making people happy by showing them how to have fun. Her personality is similar to the Genie from the classic Aladdin movie and tries to be a joy towards anyone she’s with. She feeds on euphoria, spooky/paranormal energy to an extent, and dreams, fueling her motives and upping her mischievousness more. Too much energy however can lead her to taking on another more frenzied and excitable form to cause more trouble, especially on Halloween night. When her frenzy dies down, she enters her own form of a sugar crash and returns to normal after sleeping it off. It’s also one of the reasons why she’s always sleepy and so relaxed.

Anthro + Nightmare form in the works!