Cherry Tree



4 months, 6 hours ago


✦ Basics
Name Cherry Tree
Age 22 (ARR) / 27 (ENW)
Gender Trans Male
Pronouns He/Him
Sexuality Gay
Race Veena Viera
✦ About

Cherry Tree is the acting Warrior of Light (often shortened to WOL) in my playthrough of FFXIV, he also acts as my self insert into the story. The archtypical hero of the realm, slaying monsters and gods to save the world. He is often in his own world, thinking about future ambitious or just simply spaced out... Cherry speaks often plainly, preferring to give his thoughts in a blunt and forward fashion. Despite this, he is kind-hearted, and open-minded to other's causes. He can be excitable if you ask him about his research and will ramble. Cherry is a true introvert in nature, and will probably hide at large social gatherings, especially if he is the center of attention. Cherry gets easily frustated on behalf of others, not allowing a insult towards his friends to go unchallenged. He can be a bit playful, trying to find a joke in the wrong situations. Cherry's dream is to spread the art of arcane healing, to simplify it to the common person to understand. His personality types are INTP, 4W5, chaotic good.

Cherry's talent lays mostly in arcane healing, but as his main source of attack in combat is his ability to summon spectral lances that attack his enemies at high speeds. He can wield a physical lance quite well, if he needs to, due to his past using a lance to hunt. He prefers to keep a good distance from his enemies if possible.

✦ Appearance

Before starting his adventure with the Scions, Cherry had shorter shaggy red hair with bangs, standing at 5'8, his frame is slim, and wore cheap looking laborer clothes mixed with his old traditional Viera clothes. Currently, Cherry has grown out his hair, often pushed back into a long ponytail with framing pieces laying on his shoulders. He has gotten a lot of body scars over his adventures that tell many stories, as well as a good amount of muscle to go along with the physical strain. His clothing has become richer, preferring thick black cloth and leather, sometimes adding a touch of white fur. His style is rather androgynous, often adding shorts or a skirt with a long jacket.

✦ Likes
overwhelmingly large libraries
friendly sparing
people watching
new places to explore
comfortable silence
✦ Dislikes
waking up early
being touched without being asked
egotistical behavior
hot weather
✦ Details
✦ Backstory

Cherry Tree grew up in a Viera village on a remote and snowy mountain. Cherry grew up to be a skilled lancer, with a high amount of dexerity, he proved as a skilled hunter to his village. Despite his talents, he had wanted to put his skills to something he felt was more important, the art of arcane healing. While his village had many that were gifted in this, he felt he was missing information he could only get from the outside world. Thus, he left his snowy village, hitchhiking a ride on a foreign boat, landing in Limsa Lominsa. Cherry briefly worked with the arcanist guild in Limsa, working as a inspector for imports into the city.

✦ Relationships
Leveilluer Twins In ARR, Cherry saw both the twins as a bit spoiled, born into the world with a sliver spoon in their mouths. But through their adventures and struggles together, Cherry has come to see Alphinaud and Alisaie as his own family and would easily help them with their personal goals for the future.
Estinien Truly a will they won't they situation... But they do by the end of Endwalker. They both get each other in a way I think most don't. Honestly, they've been flirting and teasing each other since they met in Ishgard. With a little push from the other Scions, they're now dating.
G'raha Tia If Cherry had to pick a best friend, it would be G'raha. Not that he isn't incredibly close to the other Scions, he simply relates to G'raha as a scholar.
✦ Trivia
● Cherry's birth name is a mystery. Since he came to Limsa, he has gone by Cherry Tree.
● Cherry's accent is comparable to an Icelandic accent.
● In his moments of free time, he is often seen sightseeing and hiking while writing notes about interesting finds in the area.
● Cherry prefers cold weather often times, growing up in a snowy landscape has made him nostalgic to the cold.