Shenyu Wu



5 years, 10 months ago


"So, whaddya say? We have a deal on our hands, cousin?"
Name Shenyu Wu (巫神渝)

Age 20

Birthday August 25th

Gender Trans Woman (she/her)

Height 5'9" - 175 cm

Orientation Lesbian

Job Necromancer

Theme 🎶



  • Fermented foods
  • Lolita fashion
  • Bugs
  • Gossip

  • Paranormal investigation shows
  • Snobs
  • Bitter melon
  • Horror movies

  • Gets easily flustered when people genuinely compliment her.
  • Often refers to people by the familiar term "cousin".
  • Sometimes she can predict what someone’s saying. She says that "th' ghosties are my besties and tell me everythin' I need'ta know!" If anything, she has good intuition.
  • Loosely based off of Tomoyo Daidouji, Meiling Li, Kureiji Ollie, Constance von Nuvelle, and Hu Tao.

The haughty and prideful (self-proclaimed) Undead Queen of the Midnight Ball, Shenyu gives off the impression that she's a snobbish princess who thinks she's above everyone else. While that may be true to a certain degree, she's actually an incredibly warm and friendly to everyone she meets, granted she doesn't find you as someone she could tease. She gets her kicks out of scaring people with ghost stories and her paranormal encounters, and she certainly isn't above playing up her eccentricity to scare people even further. The way she acts gives people lots of room to chalk up her "necromancy" as delusions of an overly dedicated chuunibyou, but Shenyu has proven time and time again that her dealing with the dead is no joke.

Though she's often all smiles and sneers, her demeanor turns into a subtle and conscientious one when people genuinely ask her about the afterlife. Shenyu believes that everyone's life should be placed in their own hands and that people must live it out to the fullest, and if for whatever reason their life is cut short, then it is her duty to help them fill a sense of fulfillment.


Moyin Bu
Best Friend

"Yinyin is practically my brother since he's been with me the longest! I know people say he looks all scary n' stuff since he always has such a dull face on and 'cuz he works with the dead, but he's honestly the sweetest person I know! He still gets all mad at me when I mess around with the cadavers he's workin' on, but I wouldn't have it any other way!"

Haruma Mori

"KYAAAAA! HE'S SOOOOO PRETTY!!! I always joked around with him sayin' that he's prolly an actual lifesized doll that got possessed by a ghostie, and he loves to play along with it! I'm tryna save up money to commission him for a little dollie of my own, but do you think he'll give me a discount if I do him a favor or two?"

Kirarin Niseshinzo

"I've never been able t'see the girl myself, but I hear her name pop up loads of time online! I hear she's some sorta matchmaker~? Well, if ghosties are real, then surely cupid must be real too! I should book a consultation with her soon, I wanna find out when I'll be able to spoil a cute girl! Or when I'll get spoiled by one, I ain't picky! Fufufu!"

Izumi Kazekodo
Unlikely Friend

"She's one of my richest clients, fufu! But she usually ain't askin' for a lil' revival, she usually just wants someone t'talk to about ghosties, the afterlife 'nd all that, which I don't really mind! There was one time she slipped me n' Yinyin front row seats to her latest performance, ain't we lucky?!"