
Whitney [REDACTED], also nicknamed Weatheus for her good services as 666 News' meteorologist and overall meteo presentator, is a Sinner with snake aspects, especially in her lower half of her body. Her hair can color/shapeshift depending of her moods : the most commonly being this white/grey crescent-like hair locks and three-spiked backhairs. When she is genuinely happy, her backhairs are more cloud-like and are completely white, lightly transparent. When angry, said hair remains cloud-like, but becomes blackish while thunder-like hair spikes can be seem here and there. When drunk, her hair are pinkish and her backhairs are sharp on one side, and cloudy on another.
The girl's living her everyday live ... working, drinking, sleeping ... compared to her boss, Katie Killjoy, she does find Charlie's idea interesting, but doesn't need it, as she's good in Hell ... despite her being considered lower than a scrum by said boss ...

In her living days, she was a toxicologist who went in Europe to get her scientific license in the 1930s. She was around her 20s at that point and was a fan of one of her favorite source of venom : snakes. Unfortunately (and when you see the timestamp mentioned before), she was captured by Nazis to research and develop potent poisons for them, whether it is for their own selves or their captives. She worked like this for several years, proposing ideas and seeing her creations being used on random captives. Some working just fine but not enough, some taking too long ... the incessant rejections of her works making her more and more on the edge. Tired. Having jump moods more and more frequently ... but finally, in 1940, she found what they needed : being cyanide. Mostly used as pills, they used the newly found molecule in numerous ways, one being in a gaseous form... and forced Whitney to be the first to experiment it ! Fortunately, she managed to escape the night before her 'execution', fleeing Germany towards a safe place, wherever it is. She managed to live quite some time in the wilds, thanks to her knowledge of toxic and non-toxic plants, but she didn't know where she was going ... she managed to reach Switzerland and was rescued/taken care of, weak but alive. She stayed in this country until the great war was over, making her around 36 years old at the time Europe was liberated. During that time, she tried to be more focused on her hobby, being with snakes, and forgetting all the atrocities she created and brought to the Nazis. Yet ... her deeds were already done, and she was asked to leave the country for her alliance (even forced) towards them. And as she was exiled from the place she lived secured, the amount of metals she brought with her under a dense rain ... well, you can guess what happened. She became a lightning rod and struck as hard as possible, killing her on the spot... because of her past 'alliance' and accidental deeds, she was sent in Hell as a Sinner, working as a meteorologist for a TV channel. Her works in toxicology manifesting in her alcoolism, always trying to cope or vent about anything and her love for snakes (as well as escapes from captivity and death) gave her snake-like attributes, while her jump moods became more proeminent.

She drinks a LOT for coping and venting about her shitty position in her job and prefers to be with her friend, Irys Marbas. But, when she's not around (being the daughter of a prestigious Goetia Demon doesn't help much for availability), she hangs out with another snake she encountered at some point (wip) : Sir Pentious himself ! The two got along quickly and became good friends ... but if you saw the show, you know how it ended up, right ?

Whitney will be heavily impacted by that loss and, despite her other friend, will decide to follow his path and go to the Hotel to try redemption and rejoice with her friend.
She knows about his potential love story with Cherri as he told her a bit about it and will not stole him from the arsonic cyclops. All she wants is ... to no longer be alone. Despite having a high-ranked friend like Irys, she didn't have as much fun when she was with the other snake-like demon. But will he, or even she to an extend, remember each other when she becomes a Winner ?