ronja 'ronny'



3 months, 14 hours ago


she/her, basilisk, karoliina's friend who mysteriously pops up from time to time. nobody really knows what she works as, as she changes her stories about her current occupation every time you ask her. maybe a bit too relaxed and laid back, its almost as if she can roll with literally anything. can seem kind of noncommittal and unconcerned with people but is actually kind of clingy... she just tries to make it very difficult to tell lol

nobody knows what she is at the moment of the story >:3

her appearence to other people is obviously not feathered - her skin colour is relatively similar to her "real" skin colour, perhaps a little bit less red, and her hair is just black year round. she can choose to shift into a humanoid form with/without a tail, which is not visible to others either way, but chooses to shift without it unless in a very comfortable environment without having to mingle with humans that dont know of her true nature (just to reduce the risk of her tail making things awkward by touching things accidentally)