Alec Eliades



4 months, 17 days ago


I am still working on the childhood of Alec, so I will skip to his adult life.

Alec Eliades is the owner of The Pomegranate Tree, a local bar in downtown Canaan. He lives as a barkeep with a passion for the local art scene, allowing many up-and-coming artists, musicians, and poets to hold events at The Pomegranate Tree. He is also very interested in technology, finding another passion for coding small projects of his own. His life is mostly normal until he is approached by one of the bar's regulars, a woman named Jumper. The two become fast friends, with a common interest in technology.

Jumper lets Alec in on a great secret-- she is uploading forbidden texts from the Castle Library to a forum that she refers to as the Dark Library, and that she was given the title of the Dark Librarian. Alec joins Jumper in her work to maintain the Dark Library. Though he has no access to the texts that Jumper finds, he helps her with the coding of her website, working out any bugs and keeping it alive.

Another regular he meets is Ares Kantor, a former dentistry student finding his footing in Canaan proper and seeking to make a name for himself in the music scene of Canaan. Alec inspires Ares to start his own band, named Broken Teeth, with a promise to become his bassist. He also employs Ares at The Pomegranate Tree, allowing the both of them to keep each other afloat along with tips they receive at their shows. 

Though Ares speaks little of his past, the two also become friends and then begin a bit of a complicated romantic relationship. Though both of them are no strangers to hookups, with Ares following a rockstar life and Alec being a very flirty barkeep turned bassist, they always come home to each other, caring about each other very deeply. Ares, though, becomes obsessed with his new lifestyle, staying out later and later and leaving Alec to worry about him long into the night. Ares seems to have no sense of self-preservation, which becomes the topic of many an argument between them.

Ares begins pulling away from Alec, the two still in love, but seeing very little of each other. It is during this time that Alec becomes closer with another bar regular, a man named Orpheus Linard, a poet. Ares and Alec are brought back together through Orpheus, who becomes their guitarist. Orpheus also speaks of his betrothed, though Alec and Ares are given little information about her.

Ares, however, begins pulling away from both of his bandmates once again, returning to staying out late, which Alec assumes is due to his many one night stands. Alec loves Ares dearly, but he can't stand the way Ares approaches life in his newfound rockstar fame. Alec begins to accept that Ares is going to do what he wants, and no amount of love is going to save Ares from himself.

After a period of time of not seeing Jumper for awhile, she returns to The Pomegranate Tree, disclosing to Alec that she has become soulless and that she is working on a synthetic soul, but that for the time being, it is confined to her home. She explains that, without any way to make her manufactured soul mobile, she will soon be housebound, unable to retrieve any more texts and subject to a recluse life of maintaining the Dark Library servers.

Alec is no stranger to the knowledge of the Castle's corruption. Orpheus, whom had committed a petty crime, was sentenced to soullessness, and Alec had heard little else about him, Broken Teeth reduced to just Alec and Ares again. Though Alec has no idea how he knows her, Ares introduces Alec to Orpheus's beloved Eurydice. She explains to the both of them that she is the Castle Artist and was rarely allowed to leave the Castle. She is forced to only be able to leave under the cover of night. She also explains that she had found Orpheus's soul in the Soul Keep, forcing it into herself with the intent of eventually finding a vessel to house Orpheus's soul so that they might be reunited and married.

Alec, Ares, and Eurydice become dedicated to destroying the Castle from the inside out. Alec also visits Jumper in her home to explain the situation. She agrees that their cause is righteous, but that she can do little for them physically aside from upkeeping the Dark Library with the intent to establish it in the small servers across Canaan.

Ares and Eurydice work in the dead of night, while Alec plants seeds of doubt into any listening patron of The Pomegranate Tree and working with Jumper to manage the Dark Library.