DJ Doggy



4 months, 26 days ago


DJ. Doggy is one of the most famous DJs in Tabemono. In reality she was extremely beautiful she was the opposite of this design and had another name. But :

Insulting, harassing, betrayed...The worst things in a single day. She and her sister, Kachu, formed a duo of very talented singers (no, they didn't do Woaf woaf 😭).

She was much loved by a model. This is why there were more fans on Kachu's side. Kachu fans were very toxic...:

" You are the most beautiful!"

“You’re my favorite.”

“You are the star”

“Abandon your sister.”

“What are you waiting for to go solo?”

In general, these remarks did not reach them until the day of an argument. Their agency told them that they impressed the director during a casting for a film. But only one of the two was taken, it was dj doggy.

You guessed it, jealousy took over as Kachu and spoke about it to his Internet users. And the drama begins... Insult, harassment, message of death... Even the Kachu-loving model announced it to her fans... Then it's the turn of the model's friends...ect... A crowd of hatred built up around doggy...

So she created a new life, a new identity, even with another job she managed to break through.