Yoshua Burke



8 months, 20 hours ago



d8tgqzy-2f348d37-8ce1-4a13-a830-db2ccad9 Yoshua Burke d8tgqzy-2f348d37-8ce1-4a13-a830-db2ccad9

Wary | Earnest | Smart

The Renaissance Man



  • Name: Yoshua Burke
  • Alias: Renaissance Man
  • Gender: Cis Intersex Male
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Orientation: Biromantic Bisexual (masc preference)
  • Birthday: April 14th
  • Occupation: Scavenger, Black Market Trader
  • Allegiance: N/A

Yoshua comes from a small town near the Canyon, one of a number of settlements that everyone outside the zone pretends doesn't exist. He makes his money scavenging the Canyon, an extremely dangerous, not to mention irradiated, spatial anomaly.

He has very little experience with guns and generally bad aim, but nonetheless carries a pistol (mostly for show). His weapon of choice is an electrified spear, capable of much higher voltage than the average stun gun. As the battery pack is too large to be attached to the weapon itself, it's instead attached to his backpack and connected via wire. Since the spear requires some set-up, he falls back on simpler weapons like a telescope baton when he doesn't have time to prepare. He also has access to a wide array of elaborate traps that he rigs when setting up camp for the night, or when facing more powerful opponents. For this reason he always carries perceived "junk" with him like tin cans or a bathroom scale, along with homemade explosives bought from a friend.



  • Height: 6''1 / 1,85m
  • Build: Gangly
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Sandy Brown
  • Dominant Hand: Right
  • Species: Mutant
Yoshua is a tall, awkward looking young man with shoulder-length, wavy, sandy brown hair framing his long face. He's naturally fair-skinned, but as he spends most of his time outside he has a light tan that's most noticable around his eyes because the imprint of his goggles keeps that area lighter than the rest of his face. Those aviator goggles, combined with a rough leather jacket that's seen better days, fingerless gloves and a bandana around his neck make up his signature look out in the Canyon. At home he usually wears loose shirts and jeans as it's a lot warmer there.



  • Likes: Exploring the canyon, picking locks, organising things
  • Dislikes: People pronouncing his name as Joshua, 
  • Emoji: 🪶
  • Triva: 
    • He's dogshit at cooking and mostly relies on canned foods on his travels.




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